
Corporate - Taxes on corporate income

Last reviewed - 02 July 2024

Residents of Turkmenistan are subject to CIT on worldwide income; non-residents are subject to CIT only in respect of their Turkmenistan-sourced income. The CIT base is determined as gross income less allowable deductions.

Branches of foreign legal entities are subject to a 20% CIT, whereas Turkmen legal entities are subject to an 8% CIT (or 2% CIT in cases where the company qualifies as a small or medium enterprise).

Companies involved in oil and gas operations are subject to a 20% CIT, irrespective of the legal status/ownership structure.

Entities where the government holds more than 50% of shares are subject to CIT at the rate of 20%.

Special purpose duty for improvement of urban and rural territories

A special duty aimed at improving urban and rural territories is imposed on registered entities (e.g. legal entities and branches). The duty applies at 1.5% of the taxable base for CIT purposes. Generally, contractors and subcontractors operating under the umbrella of the petroleum law may be exempt from this duty.

Contributions to Agriculture Development and Ashgabat City Development Funds

The contributions to the Agriculture Development Fund and Ashgabat City Development Fund are outside of the general tax legislation (Tax Code) and are provided for by specific decrees. Permanent establishments (PEs)/branches of foreign legal entities are subject to these contributions on the same terms as local legal entities.

Contribution to the Ashgabat City Development Fund only applies to entities located in Ashgabat City.

The base for the contributions is comprised of the accounting income. The contribution rate for the Agriculture Development Fund is 3%, and the contribution rate for the Ashgabat City Development Fund is 0.5%.

Generally, contractors and subcontractors operating under the umbrella of the petroleum law may be exempt from these contributions.