
Corporate - Other taxes

Last reviewed - 04 February 2025

Value-added tax (VAT)

The general VAT rate is 25% of the price charged (exclusive of VAT).

While certain supplies are subject to VAT exemptions, such as hospital treatment; insurance and reinsurance services; most financial activities, including deposits of money and granting of loans, it is crucial to emphasise a substantial distinction between VAT exempt transactions as per Section 13 and 'zero-rated' transactions under Section 34 in the Danish VAT Act. The aforementioned examples specifically illustrate Section 13 transactions, where the right to reclaim VAT is not applicable. Conversely, transactions falling under Section 34, e.g. intra-community supply of goods and services, allow for a full VAT deduction, highlighting a notable difference in the treatment of these two categories.

Denmark was one of the first countries to introduce a VAT system. Since then, the VAT legislation in Denmark has undergone several changes. The most important changes have been modifications to bring the legislation in line with the Sixth EC VAT Directive (which, since 1 January, 2007, is officially named the Council Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of Value Added Tax) and the so-called EU VAT Package that entered into force on 1 January, 2010.

The present Danish VAT Act (Momsloven) entered into force with effect from 1 July, 1994. Compared to the Directive, the Danish VAT legislation includes minor deviations and the use of various discretionary provisions.

All supplies of goods and services by so-called ‘taxable persons’ (entrepreneurs who independently carry out economic activities) are subject to VAT, unless specifically exempted. Although the VAT exemptions are restricted to a limited range of services and goods, they are subject to a considerable number of binding rulings and administrative guidance with respect to their interpretation and application.

Transactions are subject to Danish VAT only when they are deemed to take place in Denmark. For the sake of tax neutrality, VAT is also levied on (i) imports (i.e. receipt of goods from non-EU territories), (ii) intra-Community acquisitions (i.e. receipt of goods from EU member states), and (iii) purchases of most services from foreign suppliers.

In order to avoid VAT being borne by anyone other than the final consumer, those who qualify as taxable persons can, with some exceptions, recover VAT charged by their suppliers according to the invoice/credit method, provided that the purchases relate to VATable transactions. VAT is recovered either via the periodical VAT return (as a deduction in VAT payable) or by filing a special application.

As a main rule, it is the supplier’s responsibility to settle and report VAT on the supplies of goods and services in Denmark. However, a taxable customer/recipient is responsible for reporting VAT on the import or acquisition of goods from abroad as well as the purchase of most types of services from foreign suppliers.

Special payroll tax (Lønsumsafgift)

Companies that provide VAT exempt services may be liable to pay special payroll tax (in Danish ‘lønsumsafgift’) in Denmark, which is calculated on the total payroll, including any type of wages and bonuses that the employee has received. There are four different calculation methods; which method should be applied depends on the activity and organisational structure. The method and percentage applied to calculate the special payroll tax depend on the ratio between VAT able and VAT exempt services supplied.

In case the VAT exempt financial revenue is more than 50% of the total revenue, the company will be qualified as a financial services provider and the special payroll tax is then 15.3% (for 2021 and subsequent years) of the payroll used for the VAT exempt activities.

This tax is deductible for income tax purposes.

Customs duties

Denmark is a member state of the European Union, and, according to EU’s Common Customs Tariff, goods imported into Denmark from outside the European Union are subject to customs duties. The rates of duty vary widely between goods.

Excise duties

According to Danish tax law, several excise duties are levied on different products. Some of the excise duties are enacted based on EU regulations while others are enacted according to domestic law only.

Excise duties are chargeable on a long list of goods, including (but not only) oil products, certain packaging, alcoholic drinks and tobacco, chocolate and sweets, coffee, etc.

The excise duty rates depend on the type of goods (e.g. chocolate, packaging) as well as, in some cases, the category of the goods (e.g. plastic bags, paper bags). Furthermore, many of the excise duty rates are regulated every year.

Only goods sold in Denmark (or taken into Denmark) are liable to the Danish excise duties. Companies taking goods into Denmark or companies producing goods in Denmark must be registered with the Danish tax authorities to settle the excise duties. 

The type of registration is decisive for when the companies must pay the excise duties. 

As excise duties are a tax for consumption in Denmark, a company can, in principle, obtain a reimbursement of the excise duties on products sold outside of Denmark. Companies are entitled to a reimbursement even if the company is not registered for the excise duties in question and even if the excise duties have been paid by previous resellers, etc.

Property taxes

The Danish property tax system has recently been revised, so all property taxes for 2022 and onwards are preliminary, and any adjustment will be claimed backwards once the assessments are final. The finalisation of the property taxes is pending the publication of the final assessments, which is currently expected to be in 2025/26. 

Owners of non-residential property must pay land tax annually. The land tax rate is set by the municipalities and is between 0.31% and 1.77% of the value of the land. Municipalities may also levy a special coverage charge on certain non-residential properties at a rate also set by the municipalities and is between 0.08% and 1.8% of the land value.

It is important to note that there are several transitional schemes in the new legislation, to ensure that neither private nor commercial individuals will receive greatly increased claims in the new system. However, making changes to the property could void these schemes and have a great impact on the property taxes.

Stamp tax

Stamp tax is payable on a few documents, including deeds for the transfer of real estate, and mortgages associated with real estate and cooperative housing, chattels, and intangible assets, as well as property reservations in motor vehicles. There is no stamp duty on the transfer of shares.

The stamp tax is a fixed amount ranging from DKK 1,825 to DKK 1,850 (2025), accompanied by a predetermined percentage based on the fixed fee.

Payroll taxes

There are no payroll taxes other than employer’s tax (see below).

Employer’s tax (social security charges)

The employer’s contribution to Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension (ATP) (i.e. old-age pension) charges is DKK 2,376 (2025) per annum for a full-time employee and DKK 1,188 (2025) for the employee part

Based on the ATP contribution, derived contributions will be due. Also, a mandatory Danish accidents at work insurance must be taken out. The total annual employer social security costs are approximately DKK 16,000 (2025) per full time employee depending on industry.

Employers that pay ATP contributions are also liable of making contributions to the Danish Labour Market Fund for Posted Workers, although this is not a social security contribution.

Companies that provide VAT-exempt services are liable to pay the employer’s tax, which is calculated on the total annual salary cost. The rate can be as high as 15.3%, which is the rate from 2018 and onwards for banks and other financial institutions, the most significant sector paying the employer’s tax. This tax is deductible for income tax purposes.

Environmental taxes / Energy taxes

Danish companies must pay environmental taxes, which were introduced to reduce companies’ energy consumption, discharges of fluids with an environmental impact, and emission. These taxes are paid to the companies that provide the energy, who then pay the taxes to the Danish tax authorities. Most of the environmental tax rates are regulated every year.

In general, in 2024 almost all VAT-registered companies in Denmark could obtain a reimbursement of some of the environmental taxes on energy (also called energy taxes). The size of the reimbursement of the energy taxes depends on the type of energy used and to what extent the companies can deduct VAT.

From 1 January 2025 a new CO2 tax will come into effect. This tax represents a significant change to the Danish excise duty system and will affect the reimbursement of excise duties on energy.