
Corporate - Tax credits and incentives

Last reviewed - 04 February 2025

Capital expenditure incentives

A variety of tax incentives are available in the form of deductions for certain capital expenditures.

Danish tax law allows for an immediate write-off of capital expenditures for R&D. Alternatively, the taxpayer may choose to take tax depreciation in the same year and the following four years on a straight-line basis. Costs incurred in connection with the exploration for raw materials may also be fully deducted in the same year.

Companies in a loss-making situation may not benefit from an immediate write-off of R&D costs. However, companies have been granted the opportunity to apply to the Danish tax authorities for a payment equal to the tax value (22%) of negative taxable income. It is a condition that the negative taxable income relates to R&D costs. The rule does not cover costs incurred in connection with exploration for raw materials. The negative taxable income is calculated on the total negative income of the companies participating in the joint taxation, thus the company incurring the R&D costs does not need to have negative taxable income to request for the payment, as long as the joint taxation income is negative.

Tax payment according to this rule cannot exceed an amount of DKK 5.5 million, corresponding to a tax loss relating to R&D expenditure of DKK 25 million. For companies participating in joint taxation, the limit applies for all companies in total.

Furthermore, the Danish Parliament has introduced an increased deduction for R&D costs gradually increasing from 100% to 110% over a period of eight years.

Year Deduction rate (%)
2018-2019 101.5
2020 103.0*
2021-2022 105.0*
2023-2025 108.0
2026 110.0
2027 116.0
2028 120.0

The total amount of deductible R&D expenses exceeding an annually adjusted amount can only be deducted at a rate of 110% as of the calendar year 2026.

Year Deduction cap (DKK)
2020 845 million**
2021-2023 910 million**
2024 1 billion (annually adjusted)

The total amount of deductible R&D expenses are calculated at group level for entities in the same joint taxation group.

In relation to the above-mentioned tax incentive scheme, only the actual incurred R&D costs may be included in the request for the cash payment from the Danish tax authorities. The remaining deduction exceeding the 100% will be a negative taxable income that will increase the net operating loss carried forward.

* The rate for 2020 to 2022 is 130% for qualifying R&D expenses within certain limits.

** The exceeding amount may only be deducted at a rate of 110% as of the calendar year 2026.

Foreign tax credit

According to Danish tax law, relief is generally available to credit foreign tax paid on non-Danish source profits against the Danish tax on the same profits. As Danish companies are not taxed on income from foreign PEs or properties, the rules have limited application.