Individual - Sample personal income tax calculation
Last reviewed - 03 February 2025The following tax calculation relates to an individual who owns 100% of a property in Denmark with a public Danish cash value of DKK 1,000,000, has an average municipality tax rate, no church tax, and is covered by Danish social security.
Income tax calculation for 2025 (single taxpayer)
Tax computation | DKK | DKK |
Salary | 600,000 | |
Value of free car | 50,000 | |
ATP (social security) | (1,136) | |
Labour market tax | (51,909) | |
Personal income | 596,955 | |
Interest income | 20,000 | |
Interest expenses | (100,000) | |
Capital income | (80,000) | |
Transportation expenses | (10,200) | |
Employment deduction | (55,600) | |
Job allowance | (2,900) | |
Non-interest related deductions | (68,700) | |
Taxable income | 448,255 | |
Local tax | 112,377 | |
Base tax | 71,694 | |
Tax value of personal allowance (standard deduction) and interest compensation (Danish law PSL § 11) | (23,133.28) | |
Property value tax | 4,080 | |
Total tax | 165,018.55 | |
Labour market tax (AM-tax) | 51,909 | |
Total taxes inclusive of labour market tax (AM-tax) | 216,927.55 |