
Individual - Taxes on personal income

Last reviewed - 21 January 2025

Individual income tax is levied on the worldwide income of individuals residing in Luxembourg, as well as on Luxembourg-source income of non-residents.

Personal income tax rates

Luxembourg income tax liability is based on the individual's personal situation (e.g. family status). For this purpose, individuals are granted a tax class. Three tax classes have been defined:

  • Class 1 for single persons.
  • Class 2 for married persons as well as civil partners (under certain conditions).
  • Class 1a for single persons with children as well as single taxpayers aged at least 65 on 1 January of the tax year.

Since 1 January 2018, married non-resident taxpayers who are not separated are granted tax class 1. However, subject to some conditions, they can request to be treated as Luxembourg tax resident to obtain the application of the tax class 2 (generally, the tax class for resident unseparated spouses). The application of tax class 2 leads to a combined assessment.

Non-resident taxpayers may request joint taxation under tax class 2 (i.e. as for married resident taxpayers), provided that at least one of the following conditions is met:

  • 90% of the worldwide income of one spouse is taxable in Luxembourg. When assessing whether this is the case, the first 50 days that are not taxable in Luxembourg according to a double tax treaty (DTT) are fictively treated as income taxable in Luxembourg.
  • The income of one taxpayer taxable outside Luxembourg does not exceed EUR 13,000.
  • For Belgian residents, the rules are less restrictive. Only 50% of the households professional income need to be taxable in Luxembourg.

This option can be requested via either payroll or individual tax return. Non-resident married taxpayers will have to report their non-Luxembourg-sourced income (for example, the spouses professional income). In principle, non-Luxembourg-sourced income will be exempted for Luxembourg tax purposes but will be taken into account when determining the applicable tax rate for the Luxembourg-sourced income ('exemption with progression').

In practice, married non-resident taxpayers where one spouse works outside of Luxembourg and/or where the individual has extensive income outside of their Luxembourg employment income will be adversely affected by this provision, as it will increase their effective tax rate.

Tax is calculated in accordance with a progressive table, ranging from currently 8% on taxable income in excess of EUR 12,438 to 42% on income in excess of EUR 220,788. See the below tax brackets for the tax scale that has been adapted as of 2024:

Taxable income (EUR) Tax rate (%)
0 to 13,230 0
13,230 to 15,435  8
15,435 to 17,640 9
17,640 to 19,845  10
19,845 to 22,050 11
22,050 to 24,255 12
24,255 to 26,550 14
26,550 to 28,845 16
28,845 to 31,140 18
31,140 to 33,435 20
33,435 to 35,730 22
35,730 to 38,025 24
38,025 to 40,320 26
40,320 to 42,615 28
42,615 to 44,910 30
44,910 to 47,205 32
47,205 to 49,500 34
49,500 to 51,795 36
51,795 to 54,090 38
54,090 to 117,450 39
117,450 to 176,160 40
176,160 to 234,870 41
234,870+ 42

A solidarity tax of 7% of taxes (9% for taxpayers earning more than EUR 150,000 in tax class 1 and 1a or more than EUR 300,000 in tax class 2) must also be paid.