
Individual - Taxes on personal income

Last reviewed - 06 May 2024

Income is taxable when it accrues in or is derived from Singapore, whether or not the individual is resident in Singapore. Income derived from sources outside Singapore is only taxable if it is received in Singapore by a resident individual through a partnership in Singapore.

Resident individuals are entitled to certain personal reliefs and deductions and are subject to graduated tax rates ranging from 0% to 24%. Non-resident individuals are not entitled to any personal reliefs and deductions and are subject to tax at a flat rate of 24%. As a concession, employment income of non-residents is taxed at the higher of a flat rate of 15% or the graduated resident rates with personal reliefs. This concession does not apply to non-resident directors.

Individual income tax rates


A resident individual's taxable income (after setoff of personal reliefs and deductions) is subject to income tax at progressive rates. Current rates from the year of assessment 2024 (income year 2023) are shown below.

Taxable income (SGD) Year of assessment 2024 onwards
Over (column 1) Not over Tax on column 1 (SGD) Percentage on excess (%) 
0 20,000 - -
20,000 30,000 - 2.00
30,000 40,000 200 3.50
40,000 80,000 550 7.00
80,000 120,000 3,350 11.50
120,000 160,000 7,950 15.00
160,000 200,000 13,950 18.00
200,000 240,000 21,150 19.00
240,000 280,000 28,750 19.50
280,000 320,000 36,550 20.00
320,000 500,000 44,550 22.00
500,000 1,000,000 84,150 23.00
1,000,000 199,150 24.00

For year of assessment 2024, all resident individuals will be granted a tax rebate of 50% of tax payable, capped at SGD 200.


Non-resident individuals are taxed at a flat rate of 24%, except that employment income is taxed at a flat rate of 15% or at resident rates with personal reliefs, whichever yields a higher tax. A non-resident director’s remuneration does not qualify for the reduced rate, and withholding tax (WHT) at 24% must be deducted from remuneration paid to a non-resident director.

Local income taxes

There are no other taxes on income in Singapore.