
Individual - Foreign tax relief and tax treaties

Last reviewed - 06 February 2025

Foreign tax relief

Most of the DTTs signed with Egypt provide a tax credit for the income that is subject to tax in both countries. It might be as a deduction or a credit depending on the treaty.

Tax treaties

Egypt has tax treaties with the following countries:

Albania Iraq Poland
Algeria Ireland Romania
Austria Italy Russia
Bahrain Japan Saudi Arabia
Belarus Jordan Serbia and Montenegro
Belgium Korea Singapore
Bulgaria Kuwait South Africa
Canada Lebanon Spain
China Libya Sudan
Cyprus Macedonia Sweden
Czech Republic Malaysia Switzerland
Denmark Malta Syria
Finland Mauritius Tunisia
France Morocco Turkey
Georgia Netherlands Ukraine
Germany Norway United Arab Emirates
Hungary Oman United Kingdom
India Pakistan United States
Indonesia Palestinian Territories Yemen

It's worth noting that Qatar and Oman have both signed a DTT with Egypt, but theses treaties are not in force yet.