Namibia, Republic of
Corporate - Corporate residence
Last reviewed - 17 December 2024The Namibian tax system is based on source and not on residency. Income derived or deemed to be derived from sources within Namibia are subject to tax.
The source is determined as the place where income originates or is earned, not the place of payment. If goods are sold pursuant to a contract entered into within Namibia, the source of income is deemed to arise in Namibia, regardless of the place of delivery or transfer of title.
Certain types of income arising outside Namibia may, in the hands of a domestic company, be deemed to arise in Namibia and be taxed as such. Examples are interest and certain copyright royalties arising outside Namibia.
Permanent establishment (PE)
The term ‘permanent establishment’ is not defined or recognised in the Income Tax Act, but it is included in all DTAs concluded with Namibia.
A PE includes a fixed place of business. The establishment of a local entity or branch will usually create a PE, although the provisions of the related tax treaty should be considered.
Except for the PE concept embodied in the tax treaties and WHT on service provisions, corporate residence is of little tax significance since transactions are taxed on a source basis.
For the list of DTAs, please see the Withholding taxes section.