Saint Lucia
Individual - Tax administration
Last reviewed - 17 February 2025Taxable period
The tax year in Saint Lucia is the calendar year.
Tax returns
Individuals with taxable income in excess of XCD 18,000 (XCD 25,000 for income year 2023) in any calendar year have to file a personal income tax (PIT) return by 31 March in the following year. Separate PIT returns are required from married persons where the other spouse has taxable income.
Payment of tax
There is withholding of tax from salaries (pay-as-you-earn or PAYE) based on tax codes obtained when employees register with the Inland Revenue Department. Tax withheld by employers is paid to the Inland Revenue on a monthly basis.
Self-employed persons and individuals in partnerships are required to pay instalments by 25 March, 25 June, and 25 September.
Any additional tax due is payable with the PIT return by 31 March in the following year.
Statute of limitations
An assessment may be made in relation to an individual at any time prior to the expiry of six years after the end of the year of income to which it relates.