Trinidad and Tobago

Corporate - Withholding taxes

Last reviewed - 31 January 2025

WHT is imposed at varying rates up to 15%, depending on the nature of the payment, the status of the payee, and the applicability of DTTs. The tax treaty rate in some instances is now higher than the statutory rate. In such cases, the lower statutory rate applies. The rates below have been adjusted to reflect these reductions:

Recipient   Dividends (%) Interest (%)
Portfolio Substantial holdings
Resident corporations and individuals   0 0 0
Non-resident corporations and individuals:        
Non-treaty (1) 10 10 15
(2) 3/8 3/8 15
Brazil (1) 10* 10 15
(2) 5/10* 5/10 15
Canada (3) (1) 10* 10* 10
(2) 10* 5 15
Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries (1) 0 0 15
(2) 0 0 15
China (1) 10* 10* 10
(2) 10* 5 10
France (1) 10* 10* 10
(2) 10* 5 0/10 (4)
Germany (1) 10* 10* 0/10/15 (5)
(2) 10* 5 0/10/15 (5)
India (1) 10* 10* 10
(2) 10* 5 10
Italy (1) 10* 10* 10
(2) 10* 5 10
Luxembourg (1) 10* 10* 10
(2) 10* 5 7.5/10
Spain (1) 10* 10* 8
(2) 10* 0/5/10* 8
Sweden (1) 10* 10* 15
(2) 10* 5 0/10/15 (6)
Switzerland (1) 10* 10* 10
(2) 10* 10* 10
United Kingdom (1) 10* 10* 10
(2) 10* 5 10
United States (1) 10* 10* 15
(2) 10* 5 0/15/20 (7)
Venezuela (1) 10* 10* 15
(2) 10* 5 15

Recipient Royalties (%)
(8) (9) (10)
Resident corporations, individuals 0 0 0
Non-resident corporations, individuals:      
Non-treaty 15 15 15
Brazil 15 15 15
Canada 10 0 15
CARICOM countries 15 15 15
China 10 10 15
France 10 0 15
Germany 10 0 15
India 10 10 15
Italy 5 0 15
Luxembourg 10 10 15
Spain 5 5 15
Sweden 15 0 15
Switzerland 10 0 15
United Kingdom 10 0 15
United States 15 0 15
Venezuela 10 10 15


* Please note that, effective 1 January 2022, standard rates of WHT will be applied where the DTT rates are higher.

  1. Individuals.
  2. Corporations. The lesser rate applies to parent companies.
  3. The lesser rate applies to companies, other than investment companies, that control at least 10% of the voting power.
  4. The rate is 10% of the gross amount if interest is paid to a resident of France; it is 0% if the interest is paid to the French government or to any agency or instrumentality of the French government.
  5. The rate is 10% of the gross amount if the interest is paid to a bank that is a resident of Germany, 0% where interest is paid to certain stated governmental institutions, and 15% of the gross amount in all other cases.
  6. The rate is 10% of the gross amount if the interest is paid to a bank that is a resident of Sweden, 0% where interest is paid to certain specified governmental institutions, and 15% of the gross amount in all other cases.
  7. The rate is 15% of the gross amount if the interest is paid to a bank or financial institution in the United States (US) that does not have a PE in Trinidad and Tobago, 0% where the interest is paid to the US government or to any agency or instrumentality wholly owned by the US government, and 20% of the gross amount in all other cases.
  8. The rate applies to patent royalties.
  9. The rate applies to copyright royalties and similar payments.
  10. The rate applies to royalties paid in respect of the operations of mines or quarries or of the extraction or removal of natural resources.