
Corporate - Corporate residence

Last reviewed - 04 March 2024

Under domestic law, a company is resident in Mauritius for tax purposes if it is incorporated in Mauritius or centrally managed or controlled in Mauritius.

A company not incorporated in Mauritius is resident in Mauritius only if it is centrally managed and controlled in Mauritius.

In the absence of a tax treaty, any income derived from the following is taxed in Mauritius:

  • Any business carried on wholly or partly in Mauritius.
  • Any contract wholly or partly performed in Mauritius.

As of January 2019, GBC2 has been abolished. Companies conducting business and having their place of central management outside of Mauritius are required to apply to the FSC to be registered as an Authorised Company.

An Authorised Company will be treated as a non-resident for tax purposes in Mauritius.

Permanent establishment (PE)

Generally, a PE is created under a tax treaty if one of the following criteria is met:

  • Branch, office, factory, workshop, or installation used for extraction of natural resources.
  • Building site, construction, installation, assembly, or supervisory services where the activity on the site lasts for a minimum of six months or 12 months, depending on the tax treaty.