
Individual - Sample personal income tax calculation

Last reviewed - 12 March 2024

Tax year 2025 - Year of income 2024

Married person with two dependent children (aged three or over); spouse has no taxable income; municipal tax of 7%.

Tax computation EUR EUR
Salary after deduction of social security contributions 50,000.00
Computation of tax base    
Gross taxable salary 50,000.00  
Less: standard business deductions (5,750.00)
Difference = Tax base 44,250.00
Portion attributed to the spouse 13,050.00  
Portion left to the taxpayer 31,200.00  
Computation of tax on spouse's portion:    
25% tax on 0 to 13,050 3,262.50  
Less: personal exemption: 25% on 0 to 10,570 (2,642.50)
Total tax on spouse’s portion:   620.00
Reduced state tax   465.16
Regional tax 151.60
Total tax spouse 616.75
Computation of tax on taxpayer's portion:    
25% on 0 to 15,820.00 3,955.00  
40% on 15,820.00 to 27,920.00 4,840.00  
45% on 27,920.00 to 31,200.00 1,476.00  
Less: Personal exemptions: 25% on 0 to 11,120.00 and 30% on EUR 4,400.00 (4,100.00)
Total tax on taxpayer’s portion:   6,171.00
Reduced state tax   4,629.79
Regional tax 1,508.90
Total tax taxpayer 6,138.69
Total tax on taxpayer’s and spouse’s portion   6,755.44
Plus: Municipal tax: x 7%   472.88
Plus: Special social security contribution   425.28
Final tax   7,653.60