Costa Rica

Corporate - Withholding taxes

Last reviewed - 15 January 2025

Payments to non-domiciled foreign corporations or individuals

Regarding payments to non-domiciled foreign corporations or individuals, taxes are withheld as follows:

Payment WHT rate (%)
Dividends 5/15
Interest and other financial expenses (1) 5.5/15
Technical service and management fees, royalties, patents, trademarks, franchises, and formulas 25
Transportation and communication services 8.5
Personal services from a Costa Rican source 25
Others 30


  1. Interest, commissions, and other financial expenses paid or credited by natural or legal persons domiciled in Costa Rica to foreign banks that are part of a Costa Rican financial group or conglomerate regulated by the National Council for the Supervision of the Financial System will pay a rate of 5.5% during the first year of effectiveness of this law; during the second year, they will pay 9%; during the third year, they will pay 13%; and, starting from the fourth year, they will pay 15% of the amount paid or credited.

Double taxation treaties (DTTs)

Summary of the reduced WHT rates established by DTTs:

Recipient WHT (%)
Dividends Interest, commission, and financial expense Financial technical advisory, patents, formulas, trademarks, franchises, royalties Personal independent work
Germany 5/15 (1) 5 (2) 10 (3)
Mexico 5/12 (4) 5/10 (5) 10 10
Spain 5/12 (4) 5/10 (5) 10 10
United Arab Emirates 5/15 (1) 5/10 (5) 12 (3) 10


  1. 5% of the gross amount of dividends if the beneficiary is a company (excluding consortiums) that directly holds at least 20% of the capital of the company that pays the dividends. 15% of the gross amount of dividends in all other cases.
  2. If the beneficiary of the interest is a resident of the other contracting state, the WHT shall not exceed 5% of the gross amount of interest.
  3. Taxed in the state in which the income is generated.
  4. The 5% withholding applies when the beneficiary directly has at least 20% of the shareholder’s equity of the paying company. In all other cases, the withholding is 12%.
  5. The 5% withholding applies when the loan has a duration of at least five years. In all other cases, the withholding is 10%.