Costa Rica

Individual - Taxes on personal income

Last reviewed - 15 January 2025

Income taxes on individuals in Costa Rica are levied on local income irrespective of nationality and resident status.

For individuals domiciled in Costa Rica, any income obtained within the boundaries of Costa Rica is considered as Costa Rican-source income and is taxable. Costa Rican-source income is understood to be any income derived from assets used, goods located, or services rendered within Costa Rican territory.

Non-residents are liable only for the applicable withholding taxes (WHTs), depending on the nature of the local income.

Personal income tax rates

Self-employed individuals

Tax rates for self-employed individuals for tax year 2025, based on annual taxable income, are as follows:

Annual taxable income (CRC*) Tax on excess (%)
Over Not over
0 4,094,000 0
4,094,000 6,115,000 10
6,115,000 10,200,000 15
10,200,000 20,442,000 20
20,442,000 25

* Costa Rican colones

Withholding tax (WHT) rates

Payment WHT rate (%)
Dividends 5/15
Interest and other financial expenses (1) 5.5/15
Technical service and management fees, royalties, patents, trademarks, franchises, and formulas 25
Transportation and communication services 8.5
Personal services from a Costa Rican source 25
Others 30


  1. Interest, commissions, and other financial expenses paid or credited by natural or legal persons domiciled in Costa Rica to foreign banks that are part of a Costa Rican financial group or conglomerate regulated by the National Council for the Supervision of the Financial System will pay a rate of 5.5% during the first year of effectiveness of this law; during the second year, they will pay 9%; during the third year, they will pay 13%; and, starting from the fourth year, they will pay 15% of the amount paid or credited.

Local income taxes

None of the provinces or municipalities impose any income taxes on individuals within their jurisdiction.