
Individual - Sample personal income tax calculation

Last reviewed - 15 May 2024

Following is the example of computation of taxable income for an individual (below the age of 60 years) as per the APTR.

Tax computation INR INR
Base salary 5,000,000  
Allowance 2,000,000  
Taxable perquisites 1,000,000  
Total salary and allowances (net of standard deduction)   8,000,000
Income from house property 500,000  
Short-term capital gain from immovable property 2,000,000  
Long-term capital gain from immovable property 500,000
Total taxable income   11,000,000
Tax liability on income (other than long-term capital gains):    
Up to 300,000 0  
300,001 to 600,000 (300,000 at 5%) 15,000  
600,001 to 900,000 (300,000 at 10%) 30,000  
900,001 to 1,200,000 (300,000 at 15%) 45,000  
1,200,001 to 1,500,000 (300,000 at 20%) 60,000
1,500,001 and above (9,000,000 at 30%) 2,700,000
Subtotal tax 2,850,000 
Add: 20% tax on long-term capital gains (500,000) 100,000 
Total tax   2,950,000
Add: Surcharge (15% if income [other than long-term capital gains] is between INR 10 million and INR 20 million; and 15% on long-term capital gains) 442,500
Add: Health and education cess at 4% (on tax and surcharge) 135,700
Total tax liability   3,528,200