Corporate - Income determination
Last reviewed - 07 February 2025The PT calculation is based on an entity's actual accounting profits, prepared in accordance with the Lao Accounting Manual, and adjusted for tax purposes. The Lao PDR tax regulations are silent on the treatment of many items. Generally, in such cases, the tax treatment will follow the accounting treatment. Some of the more common differences are depreciation, entertainment expenses, and the non-deductibility of certain reserves and provisions (until actually paid).
Inventory valuation
Inventory valuation for tax purposes follows the method used for accounting purposes in Lao PDR. All allowances are non-deductible expenses.
Capital gains
There is no separate tax on capital gains in Lao PDR. However, profits from the sale of shares are subject to tax at the rate of 2% of the selling price.
There is no tax on the gain on sale of shares listed in the LSX.
The buyer of shares, except shares listed in the LSX, is required to withhold and remit the tax.
The rate of income tax on sales or transfers of real property are as follows:
- In case of land for agriculture purposes: 1% of the selling price.
- In other cases: 2% of the selling price.
Dividend income
Dividends (including share in partnership income) received are taxed at a flat rate of 10%. Dividends distributed by companies listed in the LSX are exempt from tax.
Interest income
Interest income (except exempt interest income) shall be appropriately subject to income tax of 10%. Exempt interest income includes:
- Interest income derived from money deposited with the commercial banks.
- Interest income from government bonds or debentures.
Rental/royalty income
Rental and royalty income are appropriately subject to income tax at the flat rate of 10% and 5%, respectively.
Unrealised exchange gains/losses
Unrealised exchange gains are not taxable, and losses are not deductible.
Foreign income
Companies registered under Lao PDR laws are taxed on their worldwide income. Foreign income derived from a treaty country is taxed according to the applicable DTT.