
Corporate - Other taxes

Last reviewed - 17 September 2024

Value-added tax (VAT)

The VAT rate is 20%, and the VAT rate on export is 0%. VAT input is recoverable under certain conditions.

The VAT rate of 10% is applicable for locally produced butane gas. 

VAT is applicable to all transactions related to any services performed in Madagascar by a corporate entity with turnover equal to or more than MGA 400 million.

Services are considered to be performed in Madagascar if such services are executed in Madagascar, used in Madagascar, or invoiced to a taxpayer established in Madagascar.

There is no VAT registration threshold for a non-resident supplier. A foreign company that has no PE in Madagascar but renders services to a Madagascar taxpayer is taxable to VAT. The foreign company should appoint a tax representative to collect and pay VAT on its behalf. In the absence of such tax representative, the recipient or business consumer in Madagascar is liable to account for VAT on the services.

VAT is generally chargeable on:

  • supplies of goods and services made in Madagascar by a taxpayer in the course of its business
  • importation of goods and certain services into Madagascar, and
  • execution of building and civil works.

In the absence of information to the contrary, prices are deemed to be inclusive of VAT. Supplier invoices should mention clearly the amount of VAT in order to allow the recipient to deduct VAT input tax. Any payment between two VAT payers must be executed by way of bank transaction (e.g. bank cheque, bank card, mobile banking).

VAT collected by the supplier can be credited against VAT output. If output tax is not sufficient to offset input tax, then the difference constitutes a VAT credit. A VAT credit can be carried forward on the following monthly deadlines.

Only free zone companies, export professionals, approved credit-lessors, and companies subject to VAT making investments can claim for VAT refund. VAT refund is extended to VAT paid by oil and gas entities on their importation of services under certain conditions.

Customs and import tax

The importation of goods is subject to payment of customs and import tax payable to the customs office.

In addition, Gasynet fee, corresponding to 0.5% of the cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) value of goods, is applicable on importation of goods.

Excise duty

Excise duty applies on a range of goods and services, such as tobacco, alcohol, lighters, precious and semi-precious stones, import of tea and salt, import of honey and sugars, import of sweets without cacao but including white chocolate, chocolates, jams, fruit, etc., import of mineral waters, and communication by mobile phones. Excise duty rates range from 5% to 325% or are a fixed amount per litre or per unit. From 2024, exports of gold is subject to excise duty of 6%.

Real estate ownership tax

Real estate ownership tax is imposed annually at the rate of 5% on the rental value of the property.

Land ownership is also taxable at a rate between 5% to 10% depending on the nature of the land. Real estate ownership tax return can be filed online.

Registration fees

Registration fees are applicable to transfers of title ownership (e.g. sales, donations) of movable and immovable assets, to transfers of interests, to share capital increases, and to lease agreements.

Registration fee rates are 0.5% to 5%, depending on the nature of the transaction. The rate of 5% is applicable mainly on transfers of assets and transfers of business. In the event of the existence of a suspensive condition, it is required to inform the competent tax office of the fulfillment of this condition within two months of its date.  

A registration fee of 0.5% of share capital is applicable to registration of a new company. 

In the event of an extension of the life of the company, a registration fee of 0.5% is calculated on the basis of the net assets shown in the balance sheet at the end of the financial year preceding the decision to extend.

A registration fee of 2% is applicable on the acquisition of large agricultural, fishing, handling, lifting, and similar machinery.

Payroll tax

Salary income taxes, called Impôt sur les Revenus Salariaux et Assimilés (IRSA), are levied at a rate of up to 20% (see scale below) on the total taxable remuneration of employees, including salaries, allowances, and benefits in kind. Employers are responsible for withholding and paying salary income taxes on behalf of employees.

IRSA scale:

  • Income range up to MGA 350 000: 0%
  • Income range from MGA 350,001 to MGA 400,000: 5%
  • Income range from MGA 400,001 to MGA 500,000: 10%
  • Income range from MGA 500,001 to MGA 600,000: 15%
  • Income range above MGA 600,000: 20%

In all cases, regardless of the income, the minimum salary income tax payable is MGA 3,000.

Social security contributions

Employers must contribute to Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale, Madagascar’s national social security fund, which includes pensions and accident insurance. The contribution is capped at 13% of eight times the legal minimum salary per employee.

Malagasy Fund for Professional Training contributions

Employers must contribute to the Malagasy Fund for Professional Training. The contribution amount is the same as for the social security contribution.

Health contributions

Employers must contribute to the health system assessment at a rate of 5% of the total amount of taxable remuneration of its employees. The contribution may or may not be capped at 5% of eight times the legal minimum salary per employee, depending on the health system organisation where the company is affiliated.

Tax on mobile transaction

Tax on Mobile Transaction applies to financial transactions carried out via mobile money and any transaction related to this service, including: 1) Transfer transactions between users: 2) Payment for purchases of goods and services via mobile or visa card linked to the buyer's account 3) Transfer of money from a mobile account to another person's bank account 4) receipt of money from abroad.

Tax rate is 5% of the transaction fees. Payment of the tax is the responsibility of the electronic money institution which collects the transaction fees.

Tax on insurance contracts

All insurance or life annuity conventions concluded with a company, insurance firm, or with any other Madagascan or other insurer are subject to an annual tax on insurance contracts at a rate of 3% to 20% levied on the insurance premiums.

Para-fiscal taxes

Concerning local tax, generally called ‘para-fiscal taxes’, the following are introduced in the tax code applicable from January 2017. These local taxes are not new since they already existed; however, their introduction to the tax code results from the principle that only a financial act can introduce tax. The following are the maximum rates/amounts:

  • Civil protection tax: MGA 5,000 per domestic animal or bladed weapon (arme blanche).
  • Residence tax for development: MGA 5,000.
  • Tourist tax (or stay tax): MGA 500 to MGA 2,000 per night/room.
  • Tax on mineral waters: MGA 5 per litre.
  • Advertising tax: MGA 30 to MGA 30,000 per square metre.
  • Tax on water and/or electricity: 10%.
  • Tax on entering parties, shows, and various events: 3% to 5%.
  • Tax on antennas, relays, or masts: MGA 600,000.
  • Tax on pylons: MGA 1 million.
  • Tax on radio and television games: MGA 10/sms; MGA 20/call.