
Individual - Other taxes

Last reviewed - 18 July 2024

Social security contributions

67-039 of 3 February 1967 Act, as amended by 72-145 of 18 July 1972 Act, Order 87-296 of 24 November 1967, and by 2021-007 of 22 February 2021 Act, established a Social Security Regime in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to provide social security for the service of:

  • family benefits (family benefits branch)
  • benefits for accidents at work and professional diseases event (professional risks branch)
  • old-age, invalidity, and death pensions (pensions branch), and
  • any other social security benefits that may be established at a later stage for employed persons.

Social security contributions are withheld monthly by employers and are computed on the basis of gross salary paid up to MRU 15,000. Rates of social security contributions are 1% for employees and 15% for employers.

Social security benefits concern sickness, maternity, retirement, disability, or invalidity as follows:

  • Industrial health:  2%
  • Industrial injury:  5%
  • Retirement plans:  5%
  • Family allowances:  4%

The withheld amounts must be pay to the Social Security Administration quarterly (by the 15th day of April, July, October, and January).

Capital gains taxes

Capital gains realised in the performance of professional, commercial, and agricultural activities are taxed as ordinary income.

Capital gains on real estate assets resulting from the sale for valuable consideration or free of built and non-built properties located in Mauritania and those resulting from the direct or indirect transfer of mining permits issued in Mauritania are subject to the Property Income Tax (see the Taxes on corporate income section in the Corporate tax summary).

Consumption taxes

Value-added tax (VAT)

Subject to certain exclusions, most commercial operations are subject to a 16% VAT.

Petroleum products are subject to VAT at a 20% rate.

Telephony is subject to VAT at an 18% rate.

Exportation of goods and services is subject to VAT at a 0% rate. 

A 14% special tax on financial activities (mainly banking, money transfers, and change operations) is applicable instead of VAT.

VAT returns must be filed monthly.

Net wealth/worth taxes

There are no net wealth/worth taxes in Mauritania.

Inheritance, estate, and gift taxes

There are no national or local inheritance, estate, or gift taxes on individuals.

Property taxes

Built property is taxed. It is borne by the owner. This tax is applied to the rental value at a rate ranging from 3% to 10%. However, in practice, an 8% rate is applied.

Luxury and excise taxes

See Excise taxes in the Other taxes section in the Corporate tax summary.

Other non-income taxes

All rental contracts are subject to registration fee and stamp duty.

Donations and inter vivos gifts are subject to registration fees. The rates of these fees vary according to the type of assets transferred. For example, donations and inter vivos gifts of real estate and goods are subject to a 2% registration fee.