
Corporate - Withholding taxes

Last reviewed - 12 June 2024

Montenegrin CIT Law imposes WHT on income realised from a Montenegrin source and distributed to a non-resident. The scope of the WHT applies to dividends and profit distribution, capital gains, interest, royalties, intellectual property rights fees, rental income, fees for consulting, market research, and audit services, and distribution of liquidation proceeds, as well as to income earned on the basis of performing variety, entertainment, artistic, sport, or similar programmes in Montenegro.

WHT will also be payable on income earned by non-resident or resident individuals on the basis of repurchase of used products, semi-final products, and agricultural products from a manufacturer registered for VAT purposes.

Distributions of dividends and share of profits are also subject to WHT if the recipient is a Montenegrin resident (either an individual or legal entity).

The general WHT rate is 15%.

Application of a double tax treaty (DTT) may reduce or eliminate Montenegrin WHT. To qualify for the beneficial rates prescribed by the treaty, a non-resident must prove tax residency of a relevant treaty country and beneficial ownership over the income. In order to qualify for a preferential tax rate according to a DTT, a non-resident will need to provide the tax residency certificate filled out and stamped by the relevant authority of its country of residence.

Although Serbia is regarded as the legal successor of the Serbia and Montenegro State Union that ceased to exist in June 2006, the Republic of Montenegro, upon its Decision on Independence (dated 3 June 2006), continues to honour international treaties that were applicable in the State Union, including those executed by State Union’s legal predecessors (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, i.e. former Yugoslavia).

The list of the treaties is provided below:

Recipient WHT (%) Applicable from
Dividends (1) Interest Royalties
Non-treaty 15 15 15  
Albania 5/15 10 10 2006
Austria 5/10 (8) 10 5/10 (4) 2016
Azerbaijan 10 10 (7) 10 2014
Belgium 10/15 15 10 1982
Belorussia 5/15 8 10 1999
Bosnia and Herzegovina 5/10 10 10 2006
Bulgaria 5/15 10 10 2001
China 5 10 10 1998
Croatia 5/10 10 10 2005
Cyprus 10 10 10 1987
Czech Republic 10 10 5/10 (4) 2006
Denmark 5/15 0 10 1983
Egypt (2) 5/15 15 15 2007
Finland 5/15 0 10 1988
France 5/15 0 0 1976
Germany 15 0 10 1989
Hungary 5/15 10 10 2003
India  5/15 10 10 2009
Ireland 5/10 10 5/10 (4) 2012
Italy 10 10 10 1986
Korea 10 10 10 2002
Kuwait 5/10 10 10 2004
Latvia 5/10 10 5/10 (4) 2007
Luxembourg (3) 5/10 (9) 10 5/10 N/A
Macedonia 5/15 10 10 1998
Malaysia 0 (5) 10 10 1991
Malta 5/10 10 5/10 (4) 2010
Moldova 5/15 10 10 2007
Netherlands 5/15 0 10 1983
Norway 15 0 10 1986
Poland 5/15 10 10 1999
Portugal 5/10 10 5/10 2018
Romania 10 10 10 1998
Russia 5/15 10 10 1998
Serbia 10 10 5/10 (4) 2012
Slovak Republic 5/15 10 10 2002
Slovenia 5/10 10 5/10 (6) 2004
Sri Lanka 12.5 10 10 1987
Sweden 5/15 0 0 1982
Switzerland 5/15 10 10 2006
Turkey 5/15 10 10 2008
Ukraine 5/10 0/10 (7) 10 2002
United Arab Emirates 5/10 (8) 10 5/10 (4) 2014
United Kingdom 5/15 10 10 1983


  1. If the recipient company owns/controls at least 25% of the equity of the paying company, the lower of the two rates applies.
  2. A new DTT was signed with Egypt in 2005, but it is not applicable yet. Meanwhile, the old treaty is still applicable.
  3. Instruments of ratification have not been exchanged between the two countries.
  4. A tax rate of 5% will be applicable to literary, scientific, and work of art, films and works created like films, or other sources of reproduction tone or picture. A tax rate of 10% will be applicable to patents, petty patents, brands, models and samples, technical innovations, secret formulas, or technical procedure.
  5. Only in cases when dividends are to be paid to Montenegrin residents. If paid to Malaysian residents, they are taxable at 15% in Montenegro.
  6. A 5% rate is applicable for intellectual property and 10% rate for industrial property.
  7. A 0% rate is applicable in cases when the income recipient is the government or government-owned banks.
  8. A 5% rate is applicable in cases when the beneficial owner is a company that holds at least 5% of the capital of the payer of the income. In all other cases, a 10% rate applies.
  9. A 5% rate is applicable in cases when the beneficial owner is a company that holds at least 10% of the capital of the payer of the income. In all other cases, a 10% rate applies.