
Corporate - Taxes on corporate income

Last reviewed - 10 February 2025

Foreign investors may register their companies under the Myanmar Companies Act (CA) or in conjunction with the Myanmar Investment Law (MIL) or Myanmar Special Economic Zone Law (Myanmar SEZ Law). The new MIL 2016 was enacted on 18 October 2016. The new MIL is a consolidation of the Myanmar Citizen Investment Law (2013) and the Myanmar Foreign Investment Law (MFIL) (2012). The Myanmar Citizen Investment Law and MFIL have been repealed with effect from 18 October 2016. New rules governing the implementation of the new MIL were enacted on 30 March 2017. Investment permits issued under the old investment laws continue to be valid.

The differences between companies registered under the CA and the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC)/SEZ are in relation to their eligibility for tax incentives and longer land use terms, as well as minimum foreign share capital requirements.

Generally, resident companies are taxed on a worldwide basis, and, as such, income from sources outside Myanmar is taxable.

Non-resident companies and MIC-registered companies are taxed only on income derived from sources within Myanmar. Income received from any capital assets within Myanmar and from any source of income within Myanmar is deemed to be income received within Myanmar. The income is generally subject to tax under the normal rules for residents.

A company registered under the MIC/SEZ is entitled to enjoy certain exemptions and relief from taxes (see the Tax credits and incentives section for details).

Type of taxpayer or income Tax rate (%)
Companies incorporated in Myanmar under the Myanmar CA or Special Companies Act 22*
Enterprises operating under the MIC or SEZ 22*
Non-resident foreign organisations registered under the Myanmar CA or Special Companies Act, such as a branch of a foreign company 22*
Companies operating in the oil and gas exploration and production sector 25
Public companies listed on the Yangon Stock Exchange 17

* Prior to 1 October 2021, the corporate tax rate was 25%.

Local income taxes

There is no separate corporate income tax at the local level.