Corporate - Other taxes
Last reviewed - 25 February 2025Value-added tax (VAT)
VAT applies to practically all sales of services and imports, as well as to the sale, barter, exchange, or lease of goods or properties (tangible or intangible). The tax is equivalent to a uniform rate of 12%, based on the gross selling price of goods or properties sold, or gross receipts from the sale of services. On importation of goods, the basis of the tax is the value used by the Bureau of Customs (BOC) in determining tariff and customs duties plus customs duties, excise taxes, if any, and other charges. Where the valuation used by the BOC is by volume or quantity, the VAT basis is the landed cost-plus excise taxes, if any.
Certain transactions are zero-rated or exempt from VAT. Export sales by VAT-registered persons are zero-rated. Certain sales of services exempt from VAT, including services provided by financial intermediaries, are subject to percentage taxes based on gross sales, receipts, or income.
Certain VAT provisions have been amended by recent legislation. Salient provisions are the following:
VAT Refund
The EOPT Act classifies VAT refund claims into low-risk, medium-risk, and high-risk categories based on factors such as the amount of the claim, tax compliance history, and frequency of filing. Medium-risk and high-risk claims are subject to audit or other verification processes by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).
Under the CREATE MORE Act, the procedure for input VAT refunds requires the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to grant refunds of creditable input taxes within 90 days of receiving certified true copies of invoices and other prescribed documents. If a refund claim is denied, the taxpayer must be informed in writing of the legal and factual basis for the denial, including any deficiencies in the claim. The taxpayer has 15 days to file a request for reconsideration; otherwise, the denial becomes final. Upon receiving the request for reconsideration, the Commissioner has 15 days to make a decision.
VAT Invoicing
Under the EOPT Act, VAT invoices are deemed sufficient to substantiate input VAT arising from the purchase of both goods and services. The invoicing requirements have been updated, eliminating the need for a VAT official receipt for the sale of services or lease of property; instead, a VAT invoice must be issued. Additionally, the requirement to indicate 'business style' on the invoice has been removed.
If a VAT invoice lacks certain information required under the invoicing rules, the issuer will be liable for non-compliance. However, the purchaser can still claim the input tax if the invoice includes the sales amount, VAT amount, names and TINs of both parties, a description of the goods or services, and the transaction date.
Taxpayers are required to issue duly registered invoices for sales valued at PHP 500 or more when requested by the buyer or if the seller is VAT-registered. The removal of 'business style' as a VAT invoicing requirement further simplifies the process.
VAT Imposition
The imposition of VAT on services is now based on gross sales rather than gross receipts, as stipulated by the EOPT Act. The CREATE MORE Act introduces the term "directly attributable," which refers to goods and services incidental to and reasonably necessary for the export activities of export-oriented enterprises. These services include janitorial, security, financial consultancy, marketing and promotion, and administrative operations such as human resources, legal, and accounting services.
Export sales, as defined under Executive Order (EO) No. 226 (Omnibus Investment Code of 1987), have been removed from the list of VAT zero-rated export sales under Section 106(A)(2)(a). However, sales to bonded manufacturing warehouses of export-oriented enterprises, previously classified as "export sales" under EO No. 226, have been added to the list of VAT zero-rated export sales. Additionally, sales of goods and services subject to zero percent VAT under special laws have been included in the enumeration of VAT zero-rated sales.
The CREATE MORE Act also amends VAT-exempt transactions under Section 109. The importation of fuel, goods, and supplies used for international shipping or air transport operations is VAT-exempt, regardless of whether the importer is engaged in both domestic and international operations, as long as the imports are used solely for international operations. Furthermore, the importation of goods by export-oriented enterprises with at least 70% of their total annual production from the preceding taxable year being export sales is VAT-exempt if the goods are directly attributable to the export activity of the enterprise.
Digital Services Tax Act (DSTA)
Persons liable to pay the 12% VAT include any individual or entity engaged in trade or business that sells, barters, exchanges, or leases goods or properties, including digital goods, and renders services, including digital services. For Nonresident Digital Service Providers (NDSPs) without a physical presence in the Philippines, their services are considered rendered in the Philippines if consumed there. NDSPs must register for VAT if their customers are non-VAT registered, making them liable for remitting the VAT. If customers are VAT-registered, a reverse charge mechanism applies, where the consumer withholds and remits the VAT. VAT-registered NDSPs classified as e-marketplaces must withhold and remit VAT on transactions through their platforms if they set any terms and conditions for the supply of goods or are involved in the ordering or delivery of goods.
Persons required to register for VAT are those with gross sales exceeding the VAT threshold, which is currently PHP 3 million, in the past twelve months or reasonably expected to exceed said threshold in the next twelve months. The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) will establish a simplified automated registration system for NDSPs. Noncompliance with registration requirements can result in penalties such as temporary closure for at least five days, lifted only upon full compliance, and blocking of digital services by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) via the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC). NDSPs cannot claim creditable input tax.
Under Section 109 of the Tax Code, VAT-exempt transactions include educational services such as online courses, seminars, and trainings rendered by private institutions accredited by DEPED, CHED, TESDA, and government educational institutions, as well as the sale of online subscription-based services to these institutions. It also covers services of banks, non-bank financial intermediaries performing quasi-banking functions, and other non-bank financial intermediaries rendered through digital platforms.
VAT-registered NDSPs must issue digital sales invoices indicating the date of transaction, transaction reference number, customer identification, brief description of the transaction, total amount including VAT, and a breakdown of sales between taxable, zero-rated, and exempt components with VAT calculations. They are not required to maintain regular accounting records and subsidiary journals. Digital service providers will be automatically subject to 12% VAT 120 days after the effectivity of the Digital Services Tax Act’s Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), which is effective on February 1, 2025, making the 120-day mark June 1, 2025.
VAT Refund for Tourists
Under Republic Act No. 12079, non-resident tourists are eligible for a VAT refund on locally purchased goods if the goods are bought in person from duly accredited stores, taken out of the Philippines within sixty days from the date of purchase, and the value of goods per transaction is at least PHP 3,000. The VAT refund can be processed either electronically or in cash, and the system will be managed by reputable, globally recognized, and experienced VAT refund operators providing end-to-end solutions to the government. The Secretary of Finance, in consultation with other administrative agencies and departments, is responsible for establishing the rules and regulations to implement the law effectively.
Customs duties
Applicable customs duties are determined based on the tariff classification of the import product. As with the rest of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries, tariff classification in the Philippines is based on the ASEAN Harmonised Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN), which is patterned after the Harmonised Commodity Classification and Coding System (HS) Convention and its 2002 revisions, and the latest edition is HS Code 2017 under the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act.
In 2024, the Tariff Commission issued 889 rulings to address commonly raised valuation and tariff classification issues. Despite this, it is still advisable that tariff classification rulings from the Philippine Tariff Commission be secured prior to importation of goods into the Philippines in case of uncertainty as to the correct classification or valuation. Note that while the tariff classification rulings issued by the Philippine Tariff Commission do not prevent the BOC from conducting its own verification, these rulings carry persuasive references in support of the classification and duty rate used by an importer.
The Philippines adopts the World Trade Organization (WTO) Valuation Agreement, where the declared invoice price is used as the basis for determining customs duties.
As a protective measure, the Philippines retains higher tariff rates (20% to 50%) on certain sensitive agricultural products, such as livestock and meat products, sugar, vegetables, and coffee. A few agricultural commodities are subject to minimum access volumes, but these represent less than 1% of all tariff lines.
In view of the existing free trade agreements in the region, such as the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA), the ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area (AKFTA), the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA), the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (AJCEPA), the ASEAN-INDIA Free Trade Area (AIFTA), the Philippine-European Free Trade Association (PH-EFTA), the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA), the ASEAN Hong Kong China Free Trade Area (AHKFTA), the Philippine-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (PJEPA), and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the Philippines has taken steps to progressively eliminate tariffs. Tariff reductions for the Philippines range from 10% to 35% for most products included in the Normal Track list.
Excise taxes
Excise taxes apply to services and to goods manufactured or produced in the Philippines for domestic sales, consumption, or for any other disposition and to things imported.
Manufactured oils and other fuels
Description | Units | (PHP) |
Lubricating oils and greases | Per litre | 10.00 |
Processed gas | Per litre | 10.00 |
Waxes and petrolatum | Per kilo | 10.00 |
Denatured alcohol | Per litre | 10.00 |
Naphtha | Per litre | 10.00 |
Unleaded premium gasoline | Per litre | 10.00 |
Aviation turbo jet fuel | Per litre | 4.00 |
Kerosene | Per litre | 5.00 |
Diesel fuel oil | Per litre | 6.00 |
Liquefied petroleum gas | Per kilo | 3.00 |
Asphalts | Per kilo | 10.00 |
Bunker fuel oil | Per litre | 6.00 |
Petroleum coke | Per ton | 6.00 |
Automobile (PHP) | Excise tax rate (%) | |
Over | Up to | |
0 | 600,000 | 4 |
600,000 | 1,000,000 | 10 |
1,000,000 | 4,000,000 | 20 |
4,000,000 | 50 |
Hybrid vehicles are subject to 50% of the applicable excise tax rates.
Purely electric vehicles and pick-ups are exempt from excise tax.
Sweetened beverages
Description | Excise tax (PHP/litre) |
Using purely caloric sweetener, purely non-caloric sweetener, or mixture of both | 6 |
Using purely high-fructose corn syrup | 12 |
Using purely coconut sap sugar / purely steviol glycosides | Exempt |
Conventional 'freebase' or 'classic' nicotine
Effective date | Excise tax (PHP/pack) |
1 January 2023 | 60 |
1 January 2024 onwards | specific tax rate shall be increased by 5% every year thereafter |
The rates of tax imposed herein shall apply to any substance in solid, liquid, or gel form, regardless of nicotine content, including nicotine-free substance or any similar product.
Vapor products
Effective date | Excise tax (PHP/ml) |
1 January 2023 | 52.00 |
1 January 2024 onwards | specific tax rate shall be increased by 5% every year thereafter |
The rates of tax imposed herein shall apply to any substance in solid, liquid, or gel form, regardless of nicotine content, including nicotine-free substance or any similar product.
Heated tobacco products
Effective date | Excise tax (PHP/pack of 20 units) |
1 January 2023 | 32.50 |
1 January 2024 onwards | specific tax rate shall be increased by 5% every year thereafter |
The rates of tax imposed herein shall apply to any substance in solid, liquid, or gel form, regardless of nicotine content, including nicotine-free substance or any similar product.
Nicotine salt
Effective date | Excise tax (PHP/ml) |
1 January 2023 | 52.00 |
1 January 2024 onwards | specific tax rate shall be increased by 5% every year thereafter |
The rates of tax imposed herein shall apply to any substance in solid, liquid, or gel form, regardless of nicotine content, including nicotine-free substance or any similar product.
Novel tobacco products
Effective date | Excise tax (PHP/kilogram) |
1 January 2023 | 2.60 |
1 January 2024 onwards | specific tax rate shall be increased by 4% every year thereafter |
The rates of tax imposed herein shall apply to any substance in solid, liquid, or gel form, regardless of nicotine content, including nicotine-free substance or any similar product.
Cosmetic procedures
An excise tax of 5% excise tax is imposed on gross receipts from invasive cosmetic procedures and surgeries directed solely towards altering or enhancing the patient’s appearance for aesthetic purposes. However, this will not cover procedures necessary to ameliorate a deformity arising from, or directly related to, a congenital or developmental defect or abnormality, a personal injury resulting from an accident or trauma, or disfiguring disease, tumour, virus or infection.
Documentary stamp tax (DST)
DST is payable at varying rates on various documents and transactions. The following table contains selected examples:
Taxable document/transaction (tax base) | DST rate |
Original issue of shares | PHP 2.00 for every PHP 200 of the par value or actual consideration for no-par shares |
Sale, barter, or exchange of shares of stock listed and traded through the local stock exchange | Exempt |
Other sales agreement, agreement to sell, memoranda of sales, delivery or transfer of shares or certificates of stock | PHP 1.50 for every PHP 200 of the par value or 50% of the DST paid upon original issuance of no-par shares |
Certificate of profits, interest in property or accumulations | PHP 1.00 for every PHP 200 of the face value |
Non-exempt debt instruments | PHP 1.50 for every PHP 200 of the issue price. |
Bank check, draft, certificate of deposit not bearing interest, other instruments | PHP 3.00 for each instrument |
Deed of sale, conveyance of real property | PHP 15.00 for each PHP 1,000 of consideration/value or fractional part thereof |
Bills of exchange or drafts | PHP 0.60 on each PHP 200 of the issue price |
Acceptance of bills of exchange and others | PHP 0.60 on each PHP 200 of the face value |
Foreign bills of exchange and letters of credit | PHP 0.60 on each PHP 200 of the face value |
Policies of annuities or other instruments | PHP 1.00 on each PHP 200 of premium or instalment payment |
Pre-need plans | PHP 0.40 on each PHP 200 of the premium or contribution collected |
Certificates | PHP 30.00 per certificate |
Warehouse receipts | PHP 30.00 per warehouse receipt (valued at PHP 200 or more) |
Jai-alai, horse race tickets, lotto, or other authorised number games | PHP 0.20 on every PHP 1.00 cost of the ticket |
Bills of lading or receipts | Exempt if bill/receipts not exceeding PHP 100; PHP 2.00 for bill/receipts not exceeding PHP 1,000; or PHP 20.00 for bill/receipts exceeding PHP 1,000 |
Proxies | PHP 30.00 on each proxy of voting |
Powers of attorney | PHP 10.00 on each power of attorney; except acts connected with claims due to/from the government |
Leases and other hiring agreements | PHP 6.00 for the first PHP 2,000 + PHP 2.00 for every PHP 1,000 thereafter |
Mortgages, pledges, and deeds of trust | PHP 40.00 for the first PHP 5,000 + PHP 20.00 on every PHP 5,000 thereafter |
DST on life insurance policies
Life insurance policy (PHP) | DST (PHP) |
Does not exceed 100,000 | Exempt |
Exceeds 100,000 but does not exceed 300,000 | 20.00 |
Exceeds 300,000 but does not exceed 500,000 | 50.00 |
Exceeds 500,000 but does not exceed 750,000 | 100.00 |
Exceeds 750,000 but does not exceed 1,000,000 | 150.00 |
Exceeds 1,000,000 | 200.00 |
DST on charter party and similar instruments
Registered tonnage | DST rate |
Does not exceed 1,000 tons | PHP 1,000 + an additional tax of PHP 100 for each month or fraction of a month in excess of 6 months |
Exceeds 1,000 tons and does not exceed 10,000 tons | PHP 2,000 + an additional tax of PHP 200 for each month or fraction of a month in excess of 6 months |
Exceeds 10,000 tons | PHP 3,000 + an additional tax of PHP 300 for each month or fraction of a month in excess of 6 months |
Capital gains tax
Capital gains arise from the sale or exchange of ‘capital assets’. Capital assets are property held by the taxpayer (whether or not connected with its trade), other than the following:
- Inventories or property held primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course of business.
- Real property or depreciable property used in trade or business.
- Property of a kind that would be included in the inventory of the taxpayer if on hand at the close of the taxable year.
Capital losses are deductible only to the extent of capital gains.
There are no holding period requirements for capital assets of corporations.
A 6% final tax is imposed on the higher of the gross selling price or fair market value upon the sale, exchange, or disposition of land or buildings not actually used in the business of a corporation.
Net capital gains derived by domestic and foreign corporations from the sale, exchange, transfer, or similar transactions of Philippine shares of stock not traded through a local stock exchange are taxed at a flat 15% rate.
Sales of shares of stock listed and traded on a local stock exchange, other than the sale by a dealer in securities, are subject to a stock transaction tax of 0.6% based on the gross selling price, provided the listed corporation observes a minimum public ownership of at least 10% based on the company’s issued and outstanding shares, exclusive of any treasury shares or such percentage as may be prescribed by the SEC or Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE), whichever is higher. Otherwise, the 15% capital gains tax shall apply.
Capital gains from the sale of bonds, debentures, or other certificates of indebtedness with a maturity of more than five years are exempt from tax.
Payroll taxes
The compensation and benefits of employees of employers are subject to WHT based on graduated rates. The employer shall be the designated withholding agent of the government.
Social security contributions
Corporations doing business in the Philippines must be registered with social institutions, such as the Social Security System (SSS), Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF), and Philippine Health Corporation (PHIC), upon employment of any employee and prior to the due date of the remittance of any social contributions.
Employee contributions for social security are deducted from the employee’s salary payments. The maximum monthly deductions are PHP 1,000 for SSS plus a maximum of PHP 750 mandatory provident fund under the Workers’ Investment and Savings Program (WISP), PHP 200 for HDMF, and PHP 2,500 for PHIC.
Employers are also required to make contributions. Employers’ maximum contribution for each employee is PHP 2,000 per month for SSS plus PHP 1,500 mandatory provident fund and PHP 30 for Employees' Compensation Program. Employer contributions for HDMF and PHIC are generally of the same amount as the employee contributions.
Fringe benefits tax
A final tax of 35%, payable by the employer, is imposed on the grossed-up monetary value of fringe benefits (e.g. housing, expense accounts, vehicles of any kind, household personnel, interest on loans at lower than market rates [the current benchmark rate is 12%], membership dues for social and athletic clubs, foreign travel expenses, holiday and vacation expenses, educational assistance, insurance) furnished or granted to managerial or supervisory personnel by the employer. An exception is for fringe benefits required by the nature of or necessary to the trade, business, or profession of the employer, or when the fringe benefit is for the convenience or advantage of the employer.
The following fringe benefits are not subject to the tax:
- Those authorised and exempted from tax under special laws.
- Contributions of the employer for the benefit of the employee to retirement, insurance, and hospitalisation benefit plans.
- Those granted to rank-and-file employees (however, the employees may be subject to WHT on compensation).
- Those of relatively small value or de minimis benefits.
The fringe benefits tax is payable on a calendar quarter basis and is an additional deductible expense for the employer. Fringe benefits already subjected to fringe benefits tax will no longer form part of the employee’s taxable income.
The grossed-up monetary value of the fringe benefit is generally computed by dividing the actual monetary value of the benefit by 65%.
Donor’s taxes
Donor’s tax is a tax on a donation or gift and is imposed on the gratuitous transfer of property. It shall apply whether the transfer is in trust or otherwise, whether the gift is direct or indirect, and whether the property is real or personal, tangible or intangible.
The donor’s tax rate is fixed at 6% based on total gifts in excess of PHP 250,000 made during the calendar year. However, a sale, exchange, or other transfer made in the ordinary course of business (i.e. bona fide transaction, at arm’s-length, and free from donative intent) shall be considered as made for an adequate and full consideration and is exempt from donor’s tax.
Local government taxes
Local government units impose local business taxes, which are generally based on the gross sales or gross receipts of the prior year, and real property taxes, which are levied annually on the basis of a fixed proportion of the value of the real property (taxable value). The local business tax rate varies depending on the location of the business, but generally shall not exceed 3%. Real property located in a province may be subject to real property tax of not more than 1% of its taxable value, while real property in a city (or municipality in Metro Manila) may be subject to real property tax of not more than 2% of its taxable value. In addition, an annual tax of 1% of the taxable value of real property shall accrue to the special education fund.