Slovak Republic

Individual - Tax administration

Last reviewed - 06 February 2025

Taxable period

The tax year corresponds to the calendar year for individuals.

Tax returns

If annual taxable income exceeds half of 21 times the minimum subsistence amount announced on 1 January each year (i.e. EUR 2,876.90 for 2025), a tax return must be filed by 31 March following the calendar year-end, unless all of the taxpayer's taxable income has been taxed through a Slovak payroll or through WHT, and, in the case of payroll, the individual has obtained a year-end tax reconciliation from one's employer.

A taxpayer can extend the deadline for filing and payment of the tax return. The deadline can be extended up to three months upon notification and up to six months if the individual has income from foreign sources.

Husbands and wives must file separate income tax returns.

Payment of tax

Income tax is withheld monthly at source from employment income for employees of a Slovak company or branch, for most employees of a foreign company assigned to work in a Slovak branch or PE of that foreign company, as well as for most employees assigned to work in a Slovak company.

Individuals who are Slovak tax residents or Slovak tax non-residents who intend to be present in Slovakia for more than 183 days and receive employment income from abroad for work carried out in Slovakia must calculate and pay monthly tax advances on this income if this income is not being taxed through a Slovak payroll.

For non-employment income that is not liable to Slovak WHT, individuals are responsible for making advance tax payments on the basis of their previous year's tax liability.

Electronic communication obligations

As of 1 July 2018, all entrepreneurs and their representatives are obligated to deliver all communication with the Financial Administration electronically only.