
Corporate - Taxes on corporate income

Last reviewed - 02 May 2024

In Turkey, companies (other than those in the financial sector) are subject to a standard CIT rate of 25%. For financial sector companies, the CIT rate is 30%.

Companies (other than banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, and pension funds) offering at least 20% of their shares via their first initial public offering (IPO) on the Istanbul stock exchange are subject to a CIT rate reduced by two percentage points (i.e. 23% instead of 25% for 2024) for five years starting from the year when the IPO is made. 

The taxable income of a company is computed based on its net accounting profits after adjustment for exemptions and deductions and including prior-year losses carried forward, to a limited extent.

According to Turkish tax legislation, income taxation differs significantly based on the taxpayer's place of residence. Resident entities are subject to tax on their worldwide income, whereas non-resident entities are taxed solely on the income derived from activities in Turkey.

Local income taxes

There are no provincial or municipal taxes on corporate income in Turkey.