
Corporate - Taxes on corporate income

Last reviewed - 10 February 2025

A resident company is taxed on its income from all geographical sources. A non-resident company is only subject to Uganda income tax on income derived from sources in Uganda.

The income tax rate applicable to the chargeable income of companies is 30%, with the exception of resident companies whose turnover does not exceed UGX 150 million, to whom presumptive tax applies (see below).

Chargeable income is gross income for the year less the total deductions allowed under the Income Tax Act (ITA).

Resident companies with turnover of less than UGX 150 million

A mix of fixed amounts and rates of turnover is used to determine income tax payable by a resident taxpayer whose turnover is between UGX 50 million and UGX 150 million, subject to availability of accounting records. For taxpayers whose gross turnover is above UGX 10 million but not in excess of UGX 50 million, fixed amounts and varying rates of tax apply, subject to availability of accounting records. 

However, on application to the Commissioner, a resident taxpayer with a turnover of less than UGX 150 million may be taxed at a rate of 30% on chargeable income.

This category excludes resident taxpayers in the business of medical, dental, engineering, and professional services, public entertainment services, public utility services, or construction services.

Local income taxes

There are no district, municipal, or local corporate income taxes in Uganda.