
Individual - Sample personal income tax calculation

Last reviewed - 13 May 2024

Gross to net sample calculation for FY 2024

Employees with tax applied on highest incomes 

Single Married+2
Gross income 29,000,000.00 29,000,000.00
Non-taxable minimum (*) (28,080,000.00) (28,080,000.00)
Net taxable income 920,000.00 920,000.00
Income tax  248,400.00 248,400.00

(*) Equivalent to 180 times the SMVM. The current SMVM is ARS 156,000 (as of January 2024).

Self-employed workers (including members of boards of directors)

Single Married+2
Gross income 24,000,000.00 24,000,000.00
Employee social security:    
Pension contributions (4,080,000.00) (4,080,000.00)
Health contributions (1,500,000.00) (1,500,000.00)
Personal allowance (1,089,368.57) (1,089,368.57)
Earned income allowance (3,812,790.04) (3,812,790.04)
Spouse allowance   (1,015,579.74)
Child allowance   (1,024,321.30)
Total deductions (10,482,158.61) (12,522,059.65)
Net taxable income 13,517,841.39 11,477,940.35
Income tax  3,880,158.95 3,166,193.59