Equatorial Guinea

Corporate - Taxes on corporate income

Last reviewed - 07 May 2024

The corporate income tax (CIT) must be paid by any resident entity.

Taxable profit is determined by deducting from gross income all expenses tied to the performance of taxable activities in Equatorial Guinea. In principle, all expenses are deductible, but the Tax Code provides deductibility rules for some of them.

Resident companies are subject to CIT on their worldwide income (even if, in practice, it is tolerated for CIT only to be applied to income related to activities carried out in Equatorial Guinea). Non-resident entities and individuals are subject to a 10% withholding tax (WHT) on gross income derived from Equatorial Guinea sources. Mobilisation and demobilisation services performed by resident entities or individuals are subject to WHT at a rate of 5%. 

The CIT rate is 25% on taxable profits.

Minimum income tax (MIT)

The MIT rate for fiscal year 2025 is 1,5% of the turnover of the company for the current year. MIT is paid in two modalities : the first payment is due by July 15th (taxable basis : income received by the company from January to June) and the second payment is due by January 15th (taxable basis : income received by the company from July to December).

MIT is an advance payment of the CIT and therefore, deductible from the final CIT due by a taxpayer.

Local income taxes

There are no provincial or local income taxes in Equatorial Guinea.