
Individual - Sample personal income tax calculation

Last reviewed - 31 May 2024
Tax computation DKK DKK
Salary 550,000  
Value of free lodging 15,500  
Value of free food 33,400  
Value of free travel 16,700  
Value of free telephone 6,000  
Labour market fee (5,594)  
Personal income   616,006
Interest income 30,000  
Interest expenses (100,000)  
Capital income   (70,000)
Personal deduction (48,000)  
Standard deduction (10,000)  
Taxable income   488,006
Local tax (26%) 126,881  
Joint local tax 29,280  
National tax 48,801  
Total tax   204,962
Labour market fee   5,594
Total taxes and labour market fee   210,556