Jersey, Channel Islands

Individual - Deductions

Last reviewed - 22 July 2024

Personal deductions

  • Pension contributions made to approved schemes are allowable up to the lower of GBP 50,000 or relevant earnings. However, relief is restricted for individuals whose income is GBP 150,000 or more by the withdrawal of GBP 1 of relief for every GBP 1 of income above GBP 150,000.
  • Professional subscriptions.
  • Interest relief is available for loans taken out for a 'qualifying purpose'. Interest paid on a mortgage on a principal private residence is deductible for those paying the marginal rate of taxation, up to a maximum of GBP 7,500, subject to certain conditions. This relief is slowly being phased out and will be unavailable from 2026 onwards.

Personal allowances

Jersey residents are currently entitled to various personal allowances. These allowances are time apportioned for individuals who arrive in, or depart from, the island part way through the tax year. Non-residents are not entitled to Jersey personal allowances.

Allowances for 2024 are as follows:

Allowances GBP
Child allowance (per child) 3,700
Single parent allowance 5,550
Exemption limit: Single person 20,000
Exemption limit: Married person/civil partner 32,050

Other allowances exist for persons over the age of 65 and certain dependent relatives. Tax relief is also available for the cost of childcare in certain cases.