Corporate - Corporate residence
Last reviewed - 08 August 2024A company is a tax resident in Lithuania if it is incorporated there. It may also be subject to taxation if its activities create a PE for tax purposes or if it in Lithuania earns income subject to WHT in Lithuania.
Permanent establishment (PE)
According to local legislation, a foreign company is deemed to have a PE in Lithuania when:
- it permanently carries out commercial activities in Lithuania in whole or in part
- it carries out its activities through a dependent representative (agent)
- it uses a building site or construction, assembly, or equipment objects, or
- it uses equipment, including drilling installations and ships, for exploration or extraction of natural resources.
DTTs may establish different rules of PE recognition. According to domestic law, where there is a DTT, the provisions of the treaty take precedence.
A PE must be registered as a taxpayer with the tax authorities in the territory where its activities are carried out. Its profits are subject to CIT at the rate of 15% (from 1 January 2025 - 16%).