
Individual - Sample personal income tax calculation

Last reviewed - 05 March 2025

Sample personal income tax calculation

Tax calculation EUR
Salary income 36,000
Foreign income for work performed in Lithuania 10,000
Income from sale of property 20,000
Dividends 1,000
Total income 67,000
Less - specific deductions
Tax exempt amount 0
Acquisition value of property sold 18,000
Life insurance premiums paid:
Life insurance premiums paid deductible from employment related income 939
Life insurance premiums paid deductible from income from the sale of property 41
Life insurance premiums paid deductible from dividends 20
Total deductions 19,000
PIT from salary (20%) 9,012
Social security contributions (19.5%) 8,970
PIT on the sale of property (15%) 294
PIT on dividends (15%) 147
Total PIT 9,453
Total social security contributions 8,970
Total net income 48,577