
Individual - Sample personal income tax calculation

Last reviewed - 22 July 2024

Annual Polish tax and social security calculation

Annual gross income   100,000.00  
Social security CAP   208,050 (1)  
Social security   Employee Employer
Pension contribution (annual) 9.76%/9.76% 9,760.00 9,760.00
Disability insurance contribution (annual) 1.5%/6.5% 1,500.00 6,500.00
Sickness insurance contribution (annual) 2.45% 2,450.00 0.00
Accident insurance contribution (annual) 1.67% 0.00 1,670.00
Labour Fund and Solidarity Fund 2.45% 0.00 2,450.00
Total social security contribution annual   13,710.00 20,380.00
Taxable base (taxable income)   86,290.00  
Standard earning costs   3,000.00  
Number of months   12 (2)  
Tax base   83,290.00  
Tax (12%/32%)   6,754.80  
Basis for health insurance contributions   86,290.00  
Health insurance contributions (annual) 9.0% 7,766.10  
Childcare relief (two children) 2 x 1,112.04 (2,224.08)  
Tax less childcare relief   4,531.00  
Net income   73,993.00  


  1. Valid for 2023.
  2. Number of calendar months the employment was performed.

For information on the 2023 Polish tax rates, please see the Taxes on personal income section.