
Individual - Sample personal income tax calculation

Last reviewed - 20 July 2024

This sample PIT calculation assumes two resident individuals whose annual income is RWF 45,000,000, each. Employee 1 is provided with an employer-owned house and car for private use, while the employer rents a house and car at RWF 1,000,000 and RWF 350,000, respectively, for Employee 2. Both of the employees have children attending school, and the employer provides an education allowance of RWF 720,000 per year to each, but paid on a monthly basis.

Individual PAYE calculation

Item Employee 1 (monthly)(RWF) Employee 2 (monthly)(RWF)
Salary 3,750,000 3,750,000
Education allowance 60,000 60,000
Total cash 3,810,000 3,810,000
Add: Non-cash benefits (benefits-in-kind)
Company-owned house provided to Employee 1 (20% of 3,810,000) 762,000 0
Company-owned car provided to Employee 1 (10% of 3,810,000) 381,000 0
House rental cost on behalf of Employee 2 0 1,000,000
Car rental cost on behalf of Employee 2 0 350,000
Taxable income 4,953,000 5,160,000
PAYE thereon (1,449,900) (1,512,000)
Employee social security contribution (3%) (297,180) (309,600)
Employee maternity benefits contribution (0.3%) (14,859) (15,480)
Net pay 3,191,061 3,322,920
Employer social security contribution (6%) 297,180 309,600
Employer maternity benefits contribution (0.3%) 14,859 15,480