Individual - Significant developments
Last reviewed - 23 January 2025Amendments to taxes on personal income
Amendments of the Slovene Personal Income Tax (PIT) Act have been put into effect and shall apply for tax years starting from 1 January 2023. The following provisions have been affected:
- Increase of the allowance for dependants.
- Increase of the PIT rate in the highest tax bracket from 45% to 50%.
- Increase of general tax allowance from 4,500 to 5,000 euros (EUR).
- Increase of the tax rate in respect to rental income from 15% to 25%.
- The novelty is a special relief for young people. This will reduce the tax base from employment income for taxpayers up to the age of 29 by EUR 1,300.
- Additional general relief will now be granted to taxpayers with a total income of up to EUR 16,000 (previously 13,716.33).