
Individual - Taxes on personal income

Last reviewed - 23 December 2024

Resident individuals are subject to tax on their worldwide income.

Foreign resident individuals with a fixed base in Venezuela must pay taxes on their income of national or foreign source attributable to said base.

Non-resident individuals pay taxes on their income whenever the cause or origin of such income lies within Venezuela.

Personal income tax rates

Resident individuals are subject to tax using graduated rates. The annual income tax, before credits, is calculated using the following tax rate table (i.e. Tariff No. 1).

Range of taxable income in tax units (TU) Tax rate (%) Deduction (TU)
Over Not over
0 1,000 6 0
1,000 1,500 9 30
1,500 2,000 12 75
2,000 2,500 16 155
2,500 3,000 20 255
3,000 4,000 24 375
4,000 6,000 29 575
6,000   34 875

Income for non-resident individuals arising from non-business professional activities is subject to tax at 34% on 90% of the gross payments. Salary and other income received by non-residents for services performed in Venezuela are subject to a flat 34% tax, withheld at source.

Tax units (TU)

The 1994 Income Tax Law reform established the concept of a taxable unit as an element that reduces the negative effects created by inflation on the determination of the tax rates. The tax code established the initial TU at 1 bolívar fuerte (VEF), formerly with annual basis adjustments according to the variation on the consumer price index (CPI) from the previous year. This parameter for adjustment was abrogated in the 2020 Master Tax Code. For 2022, the TU value, under the new currency expression enacted in October 2021, is 0.40 bolívar soberano (VES). For 2023, the TU published value is VES 9.

Local income taxes

There are no local taxes on personal income in Venezuela.