
Corporate - Other taxes

Last reviewed - 24 December 2024

Goods and services tax (GST)

The Federal Government levies GST at a rate of 10% and distributes the revenue to state governments. The GST is a value-added tax (VAT) applied at each level in the manufacturing and marketing chain and applies to most goods and services, with registered suppliers getting credits for GST on inputs acquired to make taxable supplies.

Food, with some significant exceptions; exports; most health, medical, and educational supplies; and some other supplies are 'GST-free' (the equivalent of 'zero-rated' in other VAT jurisdictions) and so not subject to GST. A registered supplier of a GST-free supply can recover relevant input tax credits, although the supply is not taxable.

Residential rents, the second or later supply of residential premises, most financial supplies, and some other supplies are 'input-taxed' ('exempt' in other VAT jurisdictions) and are not subject to GST. However, the supplier cannot recover relevant input tax credits, except that financial suppliers may obtain a reduced input tax credit of 75% of the GST on the acquisition of certain services.

Health insurance is GST-free. Life insurance is input-taxed. General insurance is taxed. Reverse charges may apply to services or rights supplied from offshore, where the recipient is registered or required to be registered, and uses the supply solely or partly for a non-creditable supply.

GST is applicable to cross-border supplies of digital products and services imported by Australian consumers. This measure ensures that digital products and other imported services supplied to Australian consumers by foreign entities are subject to the GST. Non-resident suppliers are required to register, collect, and remit GST on the digital products and services that they provide to Australian consumers.

The way Australia's GST rules apply to all cross-border supplies that involve non-resident entities operate to ensure that non-resident businesses do not have to engage in Australia’s GST system unnecessarily. This includes switching off the GST liability for certain supplies between non-residents and extending the GST-free rules to certain supplies made to non-residents.

There is no double taxation of digital currencies by ensuring that supplies of digital currency receive equivalent GST treatment to supplies of money.

GST is payable on certain supplies of low-value goods (valued at AUD 1,000 or less) that are purchased by consumers and are imported into Australia.

Wine equalisation tax (WET)

The Federal Government levies WET at the wholesale level at a rate of 29%, in addition to 10% GST, which is calculated on the price including the WET, and it applies to wine from grapes, fruit and certain vegetables, mead, and sake. Retailers do not receive an input tax credit for WET. A rebate is available to a wine producer of 29% of the wholesale price (excluding WET or GST) for wholesale sales, and of 29% of the notional wholesale selling price for retail sales and applications for own use (up to a maximum rebate for each financial year of AUD 350,000).

Luxury car tax

The luxury car tax is levied by the Federal Government at the rate of 33% of the value of the car that exceeds the luxury car tax threshold (AUD 91,387 [89,332] for fuel-efficient vehicles and AUD 80,567 [76,950] for other vehicles in the 2024/25 [2023/24] financial year) and is payable on the GST-exclusive value above the threshold. No input tax credit is available for luxury car tax, regardless of whether the car is used for business or private purposes.

Subject to the passage of legislation, for taxable supplies and taxable importations of luxury cars on or after 1 July 2025 (subject to transitional provisions), the definition of a fuel-efficient vehicle is to be tightened to ensure only electric vehicles or vehicles that are at least partially electrified qualify and also to align the indexation rates that apply to the fuel efficient and other luxury car tax thresholds.

Customs duties

Imports into Australia are subject to duties under the Australian Customs Tariff unless an exemption applies. The top duty rate is 5%.

There is no customs duty on imported electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles, and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles with a customs value less than the fuel-efficient luxury car tax threshold (see above).

Australia currently has comprehensive free trade agreements with Chile, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In addition, there is an ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) between ASEAN member states (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam), Australia, and New Zealand and a Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) between Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. A regional comprehensive economic partnership free trade agreement also operates between Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asian nations (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (not yet in force), the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam). A Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) Plus, which is a regional development-centred trade agreement between Australia, New Zealand, and nine Pacific Island countries (Cook Islands, Kiribati, Nauru (not yet ratified), Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu) also applies. At time of writing, the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been signed, and will enter into force in due course, in accordance with Australia’s domestic treaty making process. Negotiations are also underway with the European Union, as are negotiations for a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) with India. In addition, consideration is being given to an agreement covering the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates).

Excise duties

Excise duties are imposed at high levels on beer, spirits, liqueurs, tobacco, cigarettes, and petroleum products. Excise rates for tobacco, alcohol, and fuel are indexed bi-annually based on movements in the consumer price index (CPI), although there was a one-off increase of 5% per year for three years in addition to normal indexation for tobacco from 1 September 2023.

A fuel tax credit system provides a credit for fuel tax (excise or customs duty) that is included in the price of taxable fuel. Broadly, credits are available to entities using fuel in their business and to households using fuel for domestic electricity generation and heating.

Property tax

All states and territories (except the Northern Territory) impose a tax based on the unimproved capital value of land. In general, the principal place of residence and land used for primary production is exempt from land tax.

Many states also have a land tax surcharge regime for foreign/absentee owners. The state of Victoria also imposes an annual 1% vacant residential land tax on the capital improved value of certain vacant land.

Additionally, the state of Victoria has a windfall gains tax that applies to the increase in value of land in Victoria resulting from a rezoning that takes effect on or after 1 July 2023, subject to certain transitional arrangements. When the taxable value uplift of all land owned by an owner or group resulting from the same rezoning is between AUD 100,000 and AUD 500,000, the tax is calculated at a rate of 62.5% on the uplift in excess of AUD 100,000. For taxable value uplifts exceeding AUD 500,000, the tax is calculated at a rate of 50% on the whole uplift.

In the state of Victoria, a short stay levy applies for stays of less than 28 days in short stay accommodation from 1 January 2025. A rate of 7.5% is applied to the total booking fee. Certain premises are excluded from the levy, including commercial residential premises.

Stamp duty

All states and territories impose a stamp duty on a wide variety of transactions at different rates. All jurisdictions impose a stamp duty on real estate conveyances (and some states also apply additional duty to foreign purchasers of residential property), but most exempt conveyances of goods (not associated with other property) from stamp duty. The imposition of duty on share transfers involving unlisted entities differs from state to state. Corporate reconstruction exemptions are available.

Advice from a stamp duty specialist should usually be obtained where substantial stamp duty may be imposed because the amount of duty may depend on the form of the transaction.

From 1 July 2024, the state of Victoria is moving away from imposing stamp duty on the purchase of commercial or industrial property to an annual commercial and industrial property tax (CIPT) for such properties with a ‘qualifying use’. Where a qualifying property is sold from 1 July 2024, it will transition into the new regime, with stamp duty payable one final time (with transition loans available from the Victorian Treasury to fund the payment). After ten years, CIPT will apply at a rate of 1% of the property’s unimproved land value and will be assessed on a calendar year basis. CIPT is separate from, and in addition to, existing taxes that apply to land. Land that is already exempt from Victorian land tax will not be subject to the CIPT.

Environmental taxes

Australia does not impose a tax on carbon emissions or have an emissions trading scheme. However, there is the Clean Energy Regulator, who can issue Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) and safeguard mechanism credit units (SMCs) for greenhouse gas abatement activities undertaken as part of the Australian government’s Emissions Reduction Fund. Each ACCU and SMC represents one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement (through either emissions reductions or carbon sequestration) achieved by eligible activities. ACCUs that have not been surrendered, cancelled, or relinquished can be traded. 

Some states and local government agencies in Australia may impose waste levies. The state of Victoria had a road-user charge that applied to Victorian registered zero and low-emission vehicles, but this was found to be constitutionally invalid. 

Australia imposes Federal excise duty on a number of fuel and petroleum products with a fuel tax credit system in place (see above).

Discrete tax concessions related to environmental matters have been enacted. For example, a concessional WHT rate of 10% can apply to distributions from a managed investment trust (MIT) that holds only ‘clean buildings’ (see the Withholding Taxes section for further details).

Fringe benefits tax (FBT)

The Federal Government levies FBT on employers at the rate of 47% on the 'grossed-up value' of non-salary and wages fringe benefits provided to employees (and/or the employee's associates) by the employer or associates. The grossing-up of the value ensures tax neutrality between providing benefits and cash remuneration. FBT generally is deductible for income tax purposes.

There are some exemptions from FBT, including some minor benefits, remote area housing in certain circumstances, specified relocation costs, and COVID-19 tests (including polymerase chain reaction and rapid antigen tests) to determine whether the individual can attend or remain at their place of work. An FBT exemption applies for car fringe benefits comprising the use or availability for use of an eligible car that is a zero or low emissions vehicle first held and used on or after 1 July 2022 where its first retail sale value was below the luxury car tax threshold for fuel-efficient vehicles (see above). From 1 April 2025, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle will not be considered a low emissions vehicle under FBT law.

In addition, there are some concessional valuation rules, in particular for motor vehicles and certain living-away-from-home benefits.

Payroll tax

States and territories impose a tax on employers' payroll (broadly defined). The various jurisdictions have harmonised their payroll tax legislation, but some differences remain, particularly tax rates and the thresholds for exempting employers whose annual payroll is below a certain level, after taking into account grouping rules. For example, in New South Wales, the rate for the year ended 30 June 2025 is 5.45% with an annual exemption threshold of AUD 1,200,000. In Victoria, the general rate for the year ended 30 June 2025 is 4.85% (except for regional Victorian employers, where it is 1.2125%), and the annual exemption threshold is AUD 900,000. A variety of rates and thresholds apply in other state and territory jurisdictions.

A mental health and wellbeing surcharge applies in certain states. For example, Victoria imposes the levy at a rate 0.5% of annual Victorian taxable wages exceeding AUD 10 million and an additional 0.5% on annual Victorian taxable wages exceeding AUD 100 million. Similarly, a mental health levy applies in Queensland to employers and groups of employers who pay more than AUD 10 million in annual Australian taxable wages and is imposed on Queensland taxable wages exceeding the thresholds at a primary rate of 0.25% and an additional 0.5% for those with annual Australian taxable wages in excess of AUD 100 million. The thresholds are adjusted for those who also pay interstate wages or employ for less than the full financial year.

Superannuation guarantee (SG) levy

Legislation requires employers to contribute a certain percentage of an employee's earnings base, subject to limited exceptions, to a registered superannuation fund or retirement savings account on behalf of the employee. Failure to make these contributions will result in the employer being liable for a non-deductible SG charge.

The SG percentage until 30 June 2025 is 11.5%. From 1 July 2025, the SG percentage is permanently increased to 12%. 

No level of Australian government imposes a social security levy.

Major Bank Levy

Australia has implemented a levy (known as the Major Bank Levy) on Australian authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) with total liabilities of greater than AUD 100 billion. The levy is imposed at a rate of 0.015% on certain liabilities of the ADI that are reported to the regulator on a quarterly basis under a reporting standard.

Insurance tax

States impose taxes on insurance premiums, which may be substantial.

Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (PRRT)

PRRT currently applies to all petroleum projects in Australian offshore areas (or Commonwealth adjacent areas) other than production licences derived from the Joint Petroleum Development Area in the Timor Sea. It also currently applies to all Australian offshore oil and gas projects, other than the Joint Petroleum Development Area in the Timor Sea.

PRRT is applied to a 'project' or 'production licence area' at a rate of 40% of the taxable profits derived from the recovery of all petroleum in the project, including:

  • crude oil
  • shale oil
  • condensate
  • sales gas
  • natural gas
  • LPG, and
  • ethane.

The taxable profit of a project is calculated as follows:

Taxable profit = Assessable receipts - Deductible expenditure

Deductible expenditure broadly includes exploration expenditure, all project development, and operating expenditures.

PRRT is self-assessed by the relevant taxpayer. The taxpayer is, in most cases, required to give the Commissioner of Taxation a PRRT return for each PRRT year. PRRT is generally payable by quarterly instalments.

PRRT applies in addition to normal income tax. PRRT payments (including instalments) are, however, deductible for income tax purposes.

Local municipal taxes

Local taxes, including water, sewerage, and drainage charges, are levied based on the unimproved capital value of land and include a charge for usage (e.g. water usage).