Cayman Islands

Corporate - Tax credits and incentives

Last reviewed - 29 November 2024

Since no corporate income, capital gains, or other taxes are imposed on corporations in the Cayman Islands, tax incentives are not relevant in the context of Cayman Islands taxation. However, Cayman entities carrying on business outside the Cayman Islands can register as 'exempted companies' (i.e. a company formed primarily to do business outside of the Cayman Islands and subject to certain requirements) and can apply under the Tax Concessions Law for an undertaking to be issued by the Governor-in-Council (i.e. the Cayman Islands government) exempting such company from any tax on profits, income, gains, or appreciation that might be introduced in the period of 20 years following the grant of such concessions. The concession is extendable for a further ten years after expiry. 'Exempted limited liability partnerships' (i.e. certain partnerships formed primarily to do business outside of the Cayman Islands) can apply under the Exempted Limited Partnership Law for a similar concession that is for 50 years (rather than 20 years).