Czech Republic

Corporate - Withholding taxes

Last reviewed - 21 January 2025

Czech corporations are required to withhold tax on payments of dividends, interest, and royalties as follows (please note that this overview is indicative only and cannot be relied upon without checking the particular DTT, as each DTT has its own definition of dividends, interest, and royalties):

Recipient WHT (%)
Dividend (1) Interest (2) Royalties (3)
Resident corporations 15 0 0
Resident individuals 15 0 0
Non-resident corporations and individuals:      
Non-treaty 15/35 15/35 15/35
Albania 5/15 0/5 10
Andorra 5/10 0 5/10
Armenia 10 0/5/10 5/10
Australia 5/15 10 10
Austria 0/10 0 0/5
Azerbaijan 8 0/5/10 10
Bahrain 5 0 10
Bangladesh 10/15 0/10 10
Barbados 5/15 0/5 5/10
Belarus (7) Suspended Suspended 5
Belgium 5/15 0/10 0/5
Bosnia 5 0 0/10
Botswana 5 0/7.5 7.5
Brazil 15 0/10/15 15/25
Bulgaria 10 0/10 10
Canada 5/15 0/10 10
Chile 15 4/10 5/10
China, People’s Republic of 5/10 0/7.5 10
Colombia 5/15/25 0/10 10
Croatia 5 0 10
Cyprus 0/5 0 0/10
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 10 0/10 10
Denmark 0/15 0 0/10
Egypt 5/15 0/15 15
Estonia 5/15 0/10 10
Ethiopia 10 0/10 10
Finland 5/15 0 0/1/5/10
France 0/10 0 0/5/10
Georgia 5/10 0/8 0/5/10
Germany 5/15 0 5
Ghana 6 0/10 8
Greece Local rates 0/10 0/10
Hong Kong 5 0 10
Hungary 5/15 0 10
Iceland 5/15 0 10
India 10 0/10 10
Indonesia 10/15 0/12.5 12.5
Iran 5 0/5 8
Ireland, Republic of 5/15 0 10
Israel 5/15 0/10 5
Italy 15 0 0/5
Japan 10/15 0/10 0/10
Jordan 10 0/10 10
Kazakhstan 10 0/10 10
Korea, Republic of 5 0/5 0/10
Kosovo 5/15 0 0/10
Kuwait 0/5 0 10
Kyrgyzstan  5/10 0/5 10
Latvia 5/15 0/10 10
Lebanon 5 0 5/10
Liechtenstein 0/15 0 0/10
Lithuania 5/15 0/10 10
Luxembourg 0/10 0 0/10
Macedonia 5/15 0 10
Malaysia 10 0/12 12
Malta 5 0 5
Mexico 10 0/10 10
Moldova 5/15 5 10
Mongolia 10 0/10 10
Morocco 10 0/10 10
Netherlands 0/10 0 5
New Zealand 15 0/10 10
Nigeria 12.5/15 0/15 15
Norway 0/15 0 0/5/10
Pakistan 5/15 0/10 10
Panama 10 0/5/10 10
Philippines 10/15 0/10 10/15
Poland 5 0/5 10
Portugal 10/15 0/10 10
Qatar 0/5/10 0 10
Romania 10 0/7 10
Russia (6) Suspended Suspended Suspended




San Marino 10 0/10 10
Saudi Arabia 5 0 10
Senegal 5/10 0/10 10
Serbia and Montenegro 10 0/10 5/10
Singapore 5 0 0/5/10
Slovak Republic 5/15 0 0/10
Slovenia 5/15 0/5 10
South Africa 5/15 0 10
Spain 5/15 0 0/5
Sri Lanka  7.5/10 0/5 10
Sweden 0/10 0 0/5
Switzerland 0/15 0 5 (4)/10
Syria 10 0/10 12
Taiwan (5) 10 0/10 5/10
Tajikistan 5 0/7 10
Thailand 10 0/10 5/10/15
Tunisia 10/15 12 5/15
Turkey 10 0/10 10
Turkmenistan 10 0/10 10
Ukraine 5/15 0/5 10
United Arab Emirates 0/5 0 10
United Kingdom 5/15 0 0/10
United States 5/15 0 0/10
Uzbekistan 5/10 0/5 10
Venezuela 5/10 0/10 12
Vietnam 10 0/10 10


General note: The WHT rates stipulated by the relevant DTT can, in most cases, be applied by the Czech tax-resident corporation without the need to seek for a pre-approval or similar procedure with the Czech tax authorities. The Czech corporation must be prepared the prove to Czech tax authorities that the DTT provisions were applied correctly; usually the minimum requirement for the Czech corporation is to have available the tax residency certificate of the non-resident recipient of the income and confirmation that the recipient is the beneficial owner of the respective income.

  1. The general WHT rate for dividends is 15% (35% for dividends paid to residents of non-EU and non-EEA countries with which the Czech Republic does not have an enforceable DTT or TIEA in place). If the DTT provides for two rates, the lower rate usually applies if the recipient of the dividends is a company that directly owns at least a certain amount of the capital or a certain amount of the voting shares of the company paying the dividend.
  2. The general WHT rate for interest paid to non-residents is 15% (35% for interest paid to residents of non-EU and non-EEA countries with which the Czech Republic does not have an enforceable DTT or TIEA in place). Domestic law provides for exemption of interest based on the rules of the EU Interest and Royalty Directive as incorporated into Czech law (see the Income determination section for details). Also, under domestic law, interest income from Czech governmental bonds is exempt. Furthermore, interest from bonds issued by Czech companies abroad (i.e. issued under foreign law) is also exempt from the WHT, provided that the bondholder is not a related party of the issuer. If the DTT provides for two rates, the lower rate applies mostly in situations when the interest is received by the government, the central bank, or a state-owned institution. 
  3. The general WHT rate for royalties paid to non-residents is 15% (35% for royalties paid to residents of non-EU and non-EEA countries with which the Czech Republic does not have an enforceable DTT or TIEA in place). Domestic law provides for exemption of royalties based on the rules of the EU Interest and Royalty Directive as incorporated into Czech law (see the Income determination section for details). If the DTT provides for two rates, the lower rate applies mostly to cultural royalties.
  4. In case that Switzerland (based on the Swiss law) does not levy any WHT on royalties paid to the Czech tax resident (not only Swiss tax residents), then the Czech Republic is allowed to reduce 10% WHT (as stated in Article 12 of the CZ-CHE DTT) to 5% WHT rate as a reciprocity provision with regard to 0% WHT in Switzerland.
  5. There is no DTT in place with Taiwan. A special law was introduced by the Czech government (instead of a DTT) to implement the WHT rates with respect to Taiwan.
  6. On 11 August 2023, Russia suspended application of Articles 5-22 and 24 of the Czech-Russian DTT. The Czech Republic took reciprocal measures as of 29 September 2023.
  7. In 2024, Belarus suspended application of Articles 10, 11, and 13 for the period of 1 June 2024 through 31 December 2026. The Czech Republic took reciprocal measures for the period of 1 June 2024 through 31 December 2026.

Apart from dividends, interest, and royalties, Czech tax residents or Czech PEs are obligated to withhold tax from Czech-source income of non-residents, among others, in the following cases:

  • Payments for services provided by a non-resident in the Czech Republic.
  • Provision of gifts and similar consideration-free transfers.

This treatment has to be applied unless an applicable DTT stipulates otherwise.