Last reviewed - 04 March 2025Greece is a parliamentary republic along the Mediterranean Sea in Southeastern Europe. It is bordered by Bulgaria, the Republic of North Macedonia, and Albania to the north; the Ionian Sea to the west; the Mediterranean Sea to the south; and the Aegean Sea and Turkey to the east. The capital of Greece is Athens, the official language is Greek, and the currency is the euro (EUR).
Greece achieved independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1829. During the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, it gradually added neighbouring islands and territories, most with Greek-speaking populations. Since the 'Kallikratis' programme reform entered into effect on 1 January 2011, Greece consists of 13 peripheries subdivided into a total of 332 municipalities. The implementation of the programme realised the administrative restructuring of the country. Moreover, the systems of controlling the legality of the actions of the local government authorities, as well as the public financial control of local governments, were further enhanced.
Greece joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1952. In 1981, Greece joined the European Community (EC) (now the European Union or EU). It became the 12th member of the European Economic and Monetary Union in 2001.
PwC Greece has 6 offices and over 2,300 employees. We are the largest professional services firm in Greece.
Quick rates and dates
Corporate income tax (CIT) rates | |
Headline CIT rate (%) |
22 |
Corporate income tax (CIT) due dates | |
CIT return due date |
Between 15 March and 15 July following the end of the tax year. |
CIT final payment due date |
February (assuming that the financial year ends on 31 December of the previous year and that the tax is paid in instalments). |
CIT estimated payment due dates |
Eight (8) equal monthly instalments. |
Personal income tax (PIT) rates | |
Headline PIT rate (%) |
Marginal rate is 44% |
Personal income tax (PIT) due dates | |
PIT return due date |
30 June of the following year |
PIT final payment due date |
NP |
PIT estimated payment due dates |
Tax is paid in three instalments, by the end of July, September, and November. |
Value-added tax (VAT) rates | |
Standard VAT rate (%) |
24 |
Withholding tax (WHT) rates | |
WHT rates (%) (Dividends/Interest/Royalties) |
Resident: 5/ 15 / 20; Non-resident: 5/ 15 / 20 |
Capital gains tax (CGT) rates | |
Headline corporate capital gains tax rate (%) |
Capital gains are subject to the normal CIT rate unless the participation exemption is applicable. |
Headline individual capital gains tax rate (%) |
15 |
Net wealth/worth tax rates | |
Headline net wealth/worth tax rate (%) |
NA |
Inheritance and gift tax rates | |
Headline inheritance tax rate (%) |
Category A: 10; Category B: 20; Category C: 40 |
Headline gift tax rate (%) |
Category A: 10; Category B: 20; Category C: 40 |