
Individual - Residence

Last reviewed - 15 July 2024

An individual is regarded as resident in Hungary if one is a:

  • Hungarian national
  • European Economic Area (EEA) national with an EEA registration card issued in Hungary, and spends at least 183 days in Hungary in a calendar year, or
  • third-country national permanently settled in Hungary or a stateless person.

Even if the above criteria are not met, an individual is regarded as tax resident in Hungary if:

  • one's only permanent home is in Hungary,
  • one's centre of vital interests is in Hungary, if one has no permanent home or has a number of permanent homes in one or more countries as well as Hungary, or
  • one spends at least 183 days in Hungary in a calendar year, if one has no permanent home or a number of permanent homes in one or more countries as well as Hungary, and the centre of vital interests cannot be determined.