Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire)
Corporate - Taxes on corporate income
Last reviewed - 20 June 2023Taxable corporate income in Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) is based on worldwide income for resident companies (for exceptions, see Foreign income in the Income determination section).
Tax on industrial and commercial profits in Côte d’Ivoire is levied at 25%, subject to a minimum tax. The rate is 30% for companies in the telecommunication, information technology, and communication sectors.
Non-resident entities are subject to withholding tax (WHT) at 20%, subject to existing double tax treaties (DTTs), on their Côte d’Ivoire source income when they do not have a permanent establishment (PE). Non-residents with a PE are taxed in the same way as a resident.
Minimum tax
The minimum tax is based on total turnover and is calculated at the rate of 0.5%, with a minimum tax of 3 million Communauté financière d'Afrique (Financial Community of Africa or CFA) francs (XOF) and a maximum tax of XOF 35 million.
The minimum tax will be due even if tax on industrial and commercial tax is owed to it higher, since the cumulative amount taxes due for the financial year, excluding third party taxes, is lower to the maximum amount of microenterprise tax determined on the basis of the upper turnover threshold of the microenterprise tax regime.
Local income taxes
The income tax is levied at the national level. There is no local income tax.