Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire)
Individual - Income determination
Last reviewed - 20 June 2023Employment income
Taxable income includes all cash remuneration, including living allowances, housing allowances, bonuses, and social contributions paid by the employer. However, non-mandatory social contributions are not taxable if they do not exceed both 10% of total gross income and XOF 3.6 million a year.
In-kind benefits, such as housing, electricity, water, and air conditioning, are taxed according to a schedule of deemed values.
Allowances for business expenses are not taxed up to an amount that equals 10% of taxable cash income plus reimbursements, provided their use is justified.
Food allowance up to XOF 30,000 per month per employee is not taxable.
Award allowances are not taxable up to the limit of six-months salary, excluding in-kind benefits.
There are no allowances for short-term residents.
Expatriate tax concessions
Holiday fare of an expatriate and expatriate’s family paid by the employer is not taxable, under certain conditions.
Reimbursements paid after leaving the country are not reported, to the extent that these reimbursements are not paid by the local employer.
Capital gains
Capital gains are not taxable, except for certain gains arising from the sale of shares.