Individual - Deductions
Last reviewed - 02 December 2024Employment expenses
Kazakhstan obligatory and voluntary pension contributions are deductible for calculation of the taxable base for PIT.
Personal deductions
Insurance premiums
Insurance premiums payable by individuals in their own favour under accumulative insurance agreements are deductible.
Medical expenses
Expenses for medical services (except cosmetics) capped at 94 times the MCI (approximately USD 755) are deductible, provided all supporting documents are in place.
Mortgage deduction
Amounts aimed at repayment of interest on housing loans provided to an individual who is a Kazakhstan resident by housing construction savings banks are deductible.
Standard deductions
Starting 1 January 2024, the general standard tax deduction is based on 14 times the MCI (1 MCI = KZT 3,692; 14 MCI = KZT 51,688) or KZT 620,256 per annum, which is applicable to Kazakhstan tax residents.
Business deductions
There are no business deductions allowed for employees. An individual may claim business deductions only if registered as an entrepreneur.