
Individual - Significant developments

Last reviewed - 19 July 2024

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) issued the new Budget Law no. 10, dated 15 November 2022, published in the Official Gazette No. 49, which introduced several amendments to the taxes and exemptions applicable in Lebanon.

As per Decree no. 8740, dated 28 January 2022, published in the Official Gazette on 3 February 2022, the employees’ transportation allowance will be amended and increased from 24,000 Lebanese pounds (LBP) for each working day to LBP 65,000 for each working day. The Decree is effective from 3 February 2022.

Subsequently, the MoF issued Decree no. 9849, dated 12 August 2022, published in the Official Gazette on 18 August 2022, whereby the employees’ transportation allowance was amended and increased from LBP 65,000 for each working day to LBP 95,000 for each working day. The Decree is effective from 18 August 2022.

Moreover, the MoF issued Decree no. 11224, published in the Official Gazette on 26 April 2023, whereby the employees’ transportation allowance was amended and increased from LBP 95,000 for each working day to LBP 250,000 for each working day. The Decree is effective from 26 August 2023.

Furthermore, the MoF issued Decree no. 12966, published in the Official Gazette on 15 February 2024, whereby the employees’ transportation allowance increased to LBP 450,000 from LBP 250,000 for each working day starting the date the Decree was published (i.e. 15 February 2024). 

In addition, the Ministry of Labor (MoL) issued Decree no. 9415, dated 16 June 2022, related to the adjustment of the monthly ceiling of the ’sickness and maternity‘ scheme for the purpose of calculating the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) contribution. The decree is applicable starting 1 July 2022.

Moreover, the Council of Ministers, based on a proposal from the MoL, enacted Decree no. 12962, which increases the monthly ceiling amounts for sickness and maternity social security contributions to five times the minimum monthly wage.

The major tax amendments and exemptions are incorporated in the appropriate summary sections.