
Individual - Deductions

Last reviewed - 09 July 2024

Personal deductions

No deductions for personal and family expenses are allowed for PIT purposes.

Mandatory social security and health insurance contributions are deductible for PIT purposes for Moldovan tax resident individuals.

Starting 1 January 2021, Moldovan non-resident individuals are allowed to deduct health insurance contributions paid in Moldova.

Starting with 1 January 2024, individuals will be entitled to deduct the following expenses when determining their taxable income:

  • Amounts for mandatory health insurance contributions.
  • Amounts for mandatory social security contributions.
  • Premiums for supplementary health insurance or expenses for contracting medical services from a single provider of such services up to the amount of the national average monthly salary forecast for that year and under certain conditions.
  • Amounts paid for the purchase of insurance premiums under a life insurance contract, up to the amount of the national average monthly salary forecast for the year in question.
  • Amounts paid for mortgage loans, for the purchase of the first home, other than those contracted under the 'Prima Casa' ('First Home' in English) state programme, in the amount of a national average monthly wage for the year in question.

In addition, starting with 01 January 2025, individuals will be entitled to deduct:

  • health insurance, fire insurance, and other natural disaster insurance contracts up to the amount of an average monthly salary in the economy, as forecasted and approved by the Government for the relevant year and applies to all types of cumulative contracts.
  • amounts paid for mortgage loans, for the purchase of the first home, other than those contracted under those contracted via state programs, in the amount of a national average monthly wage for the year in question.
  • expenses incurred during the fiscal period for the education of dependent children at educational institutions specified in Article 15 of the Education Code no. 152/2014, limited to the amount of an average monthly salary in the economy, as forecasted and approved by the Government for the relevant year. The deductible amount is applied cumulatively for all dependent children and for all types of education.

Personal allowances

In general, annual personal allowances are available to individual Moldovan residents. The allowances for 2025 are as follows:

Type of allowance Annual amount (MDL)
Personal allowance (1) 29,700
Major personal allowance (2) 34,620
Spouse’s major allowance (3) 21,780
Allowances for dependant (4) 9,900


  1. This allowance is granted only to Moldovan resident taxpayers whose annual taxable income (with some exceptions) does not exceed MDL 360,000.
  2. Individuals can opt for this allowance provided certain conditions are fulfilled.
  3. Individuals may opt for this allowance provided the spouse is eligible for major personal allowance and does not use it in the period concerned.
  4. Moldovan resident individuals with dependants with severe disabilities since childhood are entitled to allowance in amount of MDL 21,780.

Should a dependant have several supporters, exemptions for dependants are given to every supporter.

In order to benefit from personal allowances, a set of documents has to be presented by the individual.

Business deductions

Business expenses are deductible for tax purposes, under rules similar to those for corporations, provided the individual is registered as a private entrepreneur or farming enterprise. See the Deductions section in the Corporate tax summary for more information on business expenses.