
Individual - Other issues

Last reviewed - 09 July 2024

Temporary visas

Generally, foreign individuals who enter Moldova need entry visas. The law, however, provides exceptions for citizens of certain countries (e.g. for European citizens).

Moldova offers different types of long-stay visas, categorised under the 'D' visa type. These visas allow extended stays and can be renewed as needed. Additionally, citizens of certain countries require an invitation issued by Moldovan immigration authorities to obtain a visa for Moldova.

Work permits

Foreign employees working in Moldova have to obtain the residence permit for work purposes. This permit is obtained based on decisions granting the right to stay for work purposes in Moldova issued by relevant Moldovan state authorities.

The law provides for simplified immigration compliance procedures in case of:

  • Immigrant workers.
  • Employees with priority occupations (as defined by Moldovan law).
  • Individuals responsible for management.
  • Foreigners engaged in projects of national importance.
  • Foreigners engaged in external assistance projects. 
  • Highly qualified individuals.
  • Seconded foreigners.
  • Foreigners who carry our teaching activities in the fields of culture, health, and sports.
  • Individuals with management positions within an applicant beneficiary engaged in the IT activities, as well as specialists in the IT field.
  • Foreigners employed by a resident of a free economic zone.
  • Seasonal agricultural workers and frontier workers.
  • Foreign specialists in the field of information technology.
  • Employees seconded for a period of up to 90 days during a calendar year.

As of September 2023, the citizens of the European Union are entitled to work on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for a period of up to 90 days without a work permit. Afterwards, they shall obtain a work permit upon the expiry of the first 90 day of stay/employment in Moldova.

Residence permits

Should a foreign citizen stay in Moldova for more than 90 days within a six-month period, it is compulsory to obtain a residence permit. Foreigners and stateless individuals who violate the rules of stay in the Republic of Moldova are subject to an entry ban as well as contravention penalties.

Specific exemptions apply to professional sellers, providers of contractual services, and independent professionals from a European Union member state.

Exemptions for non-resident employees in Moldovan companies

A significant legal innovation has recently come into effect in 2023 whereby certain categories of foreign workers are allowed to work without obtaining a visa, the right to stay, or a provisional residence permit. This applies to those who have been initially registered and assigned a state identification number for individuals (IDNP) and an electronic identity, and meet cumulatively the following conditions:

  • The immigrant worker holds an IDNP and an electronic identity.
  • The immigrant worker will not be present in Moldova during the employment period for longer than allowed by the law.
  • The immigrant worker is not a resident of Moldova as per Moldovan tax law.
  • The work is based on an electronic employment contract, signed with a qualified electronic signature issued as per the Moldovan law.

Failure to meet at least one of these conditions results in the need to comply with the general conditions for work as outlined in this chapter.

Note that, as of 2022, the government issued a Decision stipulating the recognition of electronic signatures issued in the European Union within the territory of the Republic of Moldova. The implantation of the recognition mechanisms is still under development.