
Corporate - Other issues

Last reviewed - 24 July 2024

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

A Model 1 Intergovernmental agreement (IGA) is treated as 'in effect' by the United States (US) Treasury as of 1 May 2014. The US and Peruvian governments have reached an agreement in substance, and Peru has consented to disclose this status. In accordance with this status, the text of such IGA has not been released, and financial institutions in Peru are allowed to register on the FATCA registration website consistent with the treatment of having an IGA in effect, provided that the jurisdiction continues to demonstrate firm resolve to sign the IGA as soon as possible.

Peru as a full member of the OECD

Peru is currently working on becoming a full member of the OECD. 

New obligation to include tax information in all commercial documentation

The tax administration established that, as of 1 July 2023, companies are required to include their Tax ID (RUC) and legal name in their commercial documentation through which they offer goods and services. This includes documentation offered through digital platforms, social networks, and websites, among others.

However, a bill of law has recently been approved that attempts to eliminate the aforementioned obligation.

Temporary Regime to repatriate income

A bill is being discussed in the Congress to approve a Temporary and Substitute Income Tax for taxpayers that decide to pay taxes on income that was not included in their past tax returns and that decide to repatriate such income to the country.