United Arab Emirates
Individual - Foreign tax relief and tax treaties
Last reviewed - 24 July 2024Foreign tax relief
As there is currently no personal income tax in the UAE, claiming relief for foreign taxes paid is not applicable.
Tax treaties
UAE national or resident individuals and UAE resident companies have access to an extensive and growing DTT network. The DDT could allow for relief from taxation in DTT partner countries. The DTTs currently in force are listed below. A number of other DTTs are at various stages of negotiation and ratification.
Albania | Guinea | Pakistan |
Algeria | Hong Kong | Panama |
Andorra | Hungary | Paraguay |
Angola | India | Philippines |
Argentina | Indonesia | Poland |
Armenia | Ireland | Portugal |
Austria | Israel | Romania |
Azerbaijan | Italy | Russia (1) |
Bangladesh | Japan | Saudi Arabia |
Barbados | Jersey | Senegal |
Belarus | Jordan | Serbia |
Belgium | Kazakhstan | Seychelles |
Belize | Kenya | Singapore |
Bermuda | Korea, Republic of | Slovakia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Kosovo | Slovenia |
Botswana | Kyrgyzstan | South Africa |
Brazil | Latvia | Spain |
Brunei | Lebanon | Sri Lanka |
Bulgaria | Liechtenstein | St. Vincent & the Grenadines |
Cameroon | Lithuania | Sudan |
Canada | Luxembourg | Switzerland |
China, People’s Republic of | Malaysia | Syria |
Comoro Islands | Maldives | Tajikistan |
Costa Rica | Malta | Thailand |
Croatia | Mauritania | Tunisia |
Cyprus | Mauritius | Turkey |
Czech Republic | Mexico | Turkmenistan |
Egypt | Moldova | Ukraine |
Estonia | Montenegro | United Kingdom |
Ethiopia | Morocco | Uruguay |
Fiji | Mozambique | Uzbekistan |
Finland | Netherlands | Venezuela |
France | New Zealand | Vietnam |
Georgia | Niger | Yemen |
Greece | North Macedonia | Zimbabwe |
- Government institutions only.