
Corporate - Group taxation

Last reviewed - 17 May 2024

There are no consolidated CIT returns for groups.

Losses in one group company cannot offset profits in another.

Transfer pricing

Transactions must be at arm's-length. Non-compliance can lead to income adjustments and avoidance penalties.

Companies must maintain transfer pricing documentation for ten years.

Non-compliance penalties can reach ZMW 24 million.

International compliance

From 2021, multinationals with revenues over ZMW 4,795 million must submit Country-by-Country (CbC) Reports within 12 months post-financial year.

Zambia joined the OECD Global Forum to combat tax evasion and enhance financial transparency, committing to EOIR and AEOI standards.

Thin capitalisation

Interest deductibility is limited to 30% of tax EBITDA, excluding turnover tax system businesses and those under the Banking and Financial Services Act.

Controlled foreign companies (CFCs)

Zambia does not have a CFC regime.