
Individual - Tax administration

Last reviewed - 17 May 2024

Taxable period

Income tax is determined by reference to a charge year, being the period of 12 months ending on 31 December.

Tax returns and payment of tax

Individual taxpayers who earn income that exceeds ZMW 57,600 per annum other than that from employment and subject to PAYE are required to submit a provisional tax return and make advance payments during the charge year on account of their estimated tax liability.

The quarterly returns for the 2024 tax charge year are due as follows:

  • 1st quarter return due 31 March 2024 (or 5 March 2024 if submitted manually and 90 days after registration if registered after the due dates, 31 March and 5 March).
  • 2nd quarter return due on 30 June 2024.
  • 3rd quarter return due on 30 September 2024.
  • 4th quarter return due on 31 December 2024.

The personal income tax return needs to be submitted by 21 June following the end of the tax year. For example, the personal income tax return for the 2023 tax charge year must be submitted by 21 June 2024. 

The same deadline applies for paying the balance of income tax that remains outstanding.

Effective 1 January 2023, the due date for the payment of a provisional return submitted by a person who registers after 31 March of any charge year shall be within 90 days from the date of registration.

Tax audit process

The Commissioner-General of the ZRA has wide powers to require any person to attend to be questioned at the time of place specified by notice, where it is determined that person is able to impart information necessary for the purposes of the Income Tax Act.

Furthermore, following the release of the 2014 Budget, the Income Tax Act has been amended to empower the Commissioner-General of the ZRA to access any type of information required for tax purposes held by legal practitioners, accountants, and financial institutions.

Statute of limitations

Save for fraud or wilful default, no assessment can be made for any charge year after six years from the end of the charge year.