
Corporate - Income determination

Last reviewed - 18 December 2024

Inventory valuation

Inventory is valued at the historic acquisition cost. Any other method of valuation needs to be approved by the tax authorities.

Capital gains

Capital gains on fixed assets are taxed under CIT with no tax adjustments.

Capital gains arising from the disposal of shares, bonds, securities, or other financial instruments, Treasury Bills and Bonds, as well as Central Bank Securities, may be taxable under IIT or CIT. Specific analysis is required.

Dividend income

Dividend income is only taxed under IIT.

Interest income

Interest income is only taxed under IIT.

Rental income

Rental income on immovable property is only taxed under propety tax (see the Other taxes section).

Royalty income

Royalty income is only taxed under the IIT.

Foreign exchange gains/losses

Favourable foreign exchange gains and unfavourable foreign exchange losses variations can only be included in the taxable income when realised. Unrealised foreign exchange gains and losses are not taxable gains or deductible losses for CIT purposes.

Foreign income

A corporate entity with tax residency or place of management in Angola is taxed on worldwide income. No tax deferral provisions exist in Angola.